tHiS tImE💗

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I just got home from practicing for our next comeback. Im tired af. I mumbled, ive been stressed this week because after i messaged wonwoo i didnt get reply from him and im a little mad abt it but i dont mind tho. But what im rlly mad abt is after that my phone broke and its been week at the repair shop. I didnt got a time to check if my phone is finished repairing or not bcoz of our practice. But today im gonna check it if its repaired now.

I disguised myself rlly hard so that i would'nt be mobbed by my fans. I started to walk downstairs and i notice seungcheol hyung at the sofa, laying his ass out while watching tv.
"Hi hyung!" i greet him
He looked at while his right hand are holding his left chest.
"Yah! You scared the hell out of me!!" he sighed and i just laughed at his action. He stand up and walk towards the kitchen while me are putting my shoes on.
"Hey! Where r u going?" he said while putting some water at his glass.
"Uhmm..just at the repair shop. Wanna check my phone if its repaired now." i said while finishing my shoelace. He nod at my answer.
"Ok. Just get home before 9 pm bcoz the our manager want to talk to us." he said while going back at sofa and continue from watching.
"KayyYy!" i said and walk away. While im walking the people around seemed not to notice that the one who's walking around them is One's of the South korea's Great rapper Kim Mingyu!.

I looked at the clock and its says that its 10:37 am alrdy. Wow its pretty late. I think i should stop to some coffee shop to grab smth coz i didnt get a time to eat before going out. I looked at my sides to see if theres a coffee shop nearby, And bcoz im lucky i found one and its called "Caratz Caffee" hmm..sounds interesting~.

I come in and welcomed by the workers there. I guess they didnt notice that im an idol, well thats a relief. I started to order at the counter, i ordered Iced americano. After i order the cashier said that i have to wait for abt 5 mins. So i search for some empty seats at the crowd but as i searching i see someone familiar.

The someone that ive been wanted to see...

the someone that my heart is searching for...

The someone that i rlly want to be mine...

I started to walk towards that someone's seat. I feel nervous and at the same time i feel excited bcoz of seeing him. As if like were destined to each other. As i get closer to that someone's seat my heart is beating rapidly. Its like going to burst. I stoped at his front, And that someone looked up from his phone to me. I akwardly greet him.

"Hi.. Wonu.. L-Long time n-no see..?" i said while stuttering. I feel rlly nervous rn.

"Hi! I thought you wouldnt come.." he said while smiling warmly at me and i became soft bcoz of that.

Damn that smile..

It melts my heart..

"Huh?" i answer him with confused face and tone at my voice. im confused...

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