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A five year old boy was hiding under the table in a small house. He was crying silently, afraid that his father would hear him and hit him again like what his father had been doing to him every day. Not far away from his hiding place, his said father and his mother were shouting at each other. This had been the everyday routine in this small house. But something told the little boy that something bad would happen today. That it was not like the same arguments like before wherein his father would leave and come back the same night, drunk as usual. That after his father left, his mother would scold him and shout at him, blaming him for everything that had been happening to her life. Her mother would tell him that it was his fault why she became unlucky in life. That he should not have been born in this world. And he would just cry and cry, not understanding why his father and his mother were always like that to him.

The sound of a broken lamp crushing on the floor made the little boy jumped from his hiding place. He crawled out and looked at what happened. His parents were still arguing. He could hear what they were saying but he couldn't understand anything. All he could hear were the words "cheater" and "burden".

The little boy froze from where he was standing when his father realized that he was there and looked at him with piercing eyes. He could feel his body tremble when his father started walking towards him.

"You know what, Suda? You're right. We do not love each other so why are we still together?" His father paused and looked at him.

"And you boy, I don't even know if you're really mine when your mother's been sleeping with any man all night and day."

"It's your entire fault you bastard!" his mother shrieked.

"It's not my fault if you're such a whore." His father smirked when his mother could not say anything as a response to the harsh remark.

"P-por..." The little boy tried to speak but he was slapped hard by his father. He fell down on the floor, crying in an instant.

"Shut up Krist! I told you I don't want to hear your little cries!" His father shouted at him and kicked him on his side. He winced in pain and hugged his little body, trying hard to suppress his cries.

His father looked contented and turned to his mother. "I'm out of here and I'm never coming back. You two rot here as long as you want." And that was the last words from his father before he walked out of the house and out of their lives.

Krist who was having difficulty in moving, forced his body to stand up and sauntered towards his mother.

"M-mae... Is por really not coming back?" he asked with his scared little voice.

"What do you think?" his mother shouted at him, making him cringe.

"You know what? I have no use for you so you better leave this house too. You're too young to have a decent job that will pay good and too weak for easy jobs. You can't do anything. You're helpless! Worthless! Get out from my house! Leave! Get out!"

Krist trembled in fear and ran out from the little house that he had been living with tears flowing like a river from his big round eyes. He ran and ran without direction, without knowing where to go. All he knew was that he couldn't go back in his house anymore. He was useless to his mother. He was helpless. He couldn't do anything to help his mother. And he cried and cried whilst running as the day turned to night, and night turned to day.    

Author's Note:

A very short prologue. Sorry about that. I will still focus on my first story which is Rain in the Sun but will make updates on this one too, depends on my mood. I hope you'll support this too. Votes will be very much appreciated and I want to know what you think of this through comments. Thank you!

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