14 - A Long Day

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The day that follows is a nice and peaceful one. The sun rose in the horizon as the birds chirp happily. The sky is bright and it seem like even the trees are singing joyfully. All in all, it is a wonderful day. It is exactly what Rune thinks. However, it is not what Krist has in mind.

The said boy is lying on his stomach, face buried on the pillow, sullenly. On his side is his phee, seated with almost the same expression as his as the man's long fingers play with the soft silky strands of his hair.

"Both of you are just being stubborn," Rune told them with a frown. She stood by the window as she stares at her two sons with a creased forehead. "How could you even think of letting this once in a million chance pass just like that? Not all are blessed to be given this opportunity. And it's not like you can't sing, Kirst. In fact, you have a wonderful voice. It's your chance to show it. Step out of your shell. You can't always hide from it."

A groan was heard before Krist slowly sat up, a pout visible on his cute lips. "But mae... I'm so nervous," he answered with a small voice.

Singto felt guilty. He knew that he wasn't at fault this time but he couldn't help but remember what happened in the contest. Krist was also dead nervous at that time but his younger brother decided to face his fear because he promised he would be there for him. But he broke that promise. Instead of helping his brother to overcome his fear, he only made it worse.

Rune let out a sigh before walking towards his youngest and taking a seat beside him. She took him in her arms, her fingers playing with the soft locks as what Singto was doing just a while ago. "Why are you nervous?"

Krist bit his lower lip, his gaze downwards. "What if they won't like my voice? What if I make a lot of mistakes? What if--"

"You would never know if you won't try," Rune cut him before he could make a long list of what ifs. "And besides, I don't think they won't like your voice. Like I said, you have a beautiful voice. And if you make mistakes, that's normal. Everyone makes mistakes. You can make mistakes but you can try again until you make it right."

Krist fell silence, head hung low.

"I'll go with you."

The scared boy gasped as his head jerked towards his phee. His eyes are wide as he stares at his brother, smiling at him. "W-what?"

"I know that I had disappointed you the last time. Let me make it up to you?" Singto smiles encouragingly, determined to help his brother to overcome his fears and he would make sure that this time, he wouldn't break his promise.

Krist stares at him silently and Singto fears that he made the situation worse until a sweet smile forms on his Kit's face. Krist lunged at him at full force and he landed almost painfully on the bed. "I love love you love you, P'Sing!!! You are my best phee ever!!!"

After recovering from the shock, he laughed and wound his arms around his giggling brother. "Of course I'm your best phee, my Kit. I'm your only brother," he said, matter-of-factly, but still smiling nevertheless.

"Oops!" Singto smirked and tickles his brother's sides. Krist yelped as he bursts out laughing. Rune could only shake his head as she made her way out of the room leaving the two on their own. She isn't needed anymore.

Krist clasped his hand tighter around Singto's arm as he stares at the tall building in front of them. His big doe eyes took in how tall the building is, not missing to gape at the people who walk in and out of the said building with that intimidating aura they emitted.

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