chapter 1

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Their be pictures in my story and maybe music but they belong to whoever they belong too or made it.

kuroko pov :

I woke up feeling cold when I felt my covers being pulled of me and I look around my room to see I'm the only one in bed and then I hear a bark from nigou who is sitting on my bed with my covers in his mouth while his tail wag happily. I slowly get up from my bed and start to put on my clothes for school. And when I'm finished getting dress I walk down stairs and see the maid cleaning as I made my way to the dining room and sit down while the maids sit the food on table as the say good morning to me. as I started to eat one the maid came up to me saying that young master had left a note for you this morning master she said to me as she handed me a piece of paper and she left to finish her duty for today. I look down the paper and start to read what was left on it.

~ Good morning my love I'm sorry I wasn't their when you woke up this morning. But I had to leave early so we could set up our theme for today host club event. Also today my father will be picking you up early from school for today dinner party for our partnered company.

~see you later & love you 😊❤❤❤😊

I put the paper down smiling after I read what's on the paper. I started thinking how lucky I'm who has a husband who caring, kind, cute, and sweet and also can be serous when very needed.

Skipping to school....

I sat in class as i watched Kagami-kun get in trouble with our teacher for sleeping in class when the bell rings. Everyone rushes out the class as me and Kagami-kun made our way basketball not knowing I'm next to him. When we get to the gym i see my both teammate. I walked up akasi-kun and said hello to the others and then we got ready to play basketball.

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