chapter 2

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kuroko pov:

when i was in a middle of playing basketball when we heard the gym door open and in came walking my father. He look around unit he spotted me and walked up forward unit when riko stopped him in his track.

Third pov:

stop right their who are you and what you doing hear riko asked the man . The man then replayed that he is picking up his son for today and in came kuroko walking in next to them . Sorry riko but this my father he is picking me up today for so i need to leave. Riko could only nod a OK since she was shocked that this man was kuroko father and she was not the only one everyone in the gym was also shocked because the son and father looked nothing alike to each other and they all stood watching the pair talk and then see kuoko get his things so they could leave. As everyone still shocked about what just happened that they did not see kurok leave with his father and going into a fancy car as they stood their trying to figure out what just happen in the gym and why doesn't kuroko look like his father at all . They plan to found out why kuroko never told them about his father and learn things about him too.

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