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"Babe! Have you seen my toothbrush?" Matt yelled from down the hall. 

I giggled as I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. 

He's so excited to be going. 

And he's even happier that I'm going with him. 

Can't say I don't feel the same. 

"I already packed it babe." I told him with a laugh. 

He came through the doorway and sighed. 

"What would I do without you?" He asked me. 

"Probably roll over and die." I said sarcastically. 

Matt laughed and came over to me. 

He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and threw me down on our bed. 

He laid himself on top of me and I opened my legs so he could lay comfortably between them. 

"You know, you're probably right." He murmured against my ear. 

I fought against his hands that were pinning mines to the bed as he started to attack my neck with kisses. 

"You know, there isn't going to be much privacy on the bus. We won't be able to do stuff like this as often." Matt told me softly, kissing across my collar bone. 

I moaned ad he started nipping at my neck. 

"Maybe we should take advantage of the alone time we have now then." I suggested. 

"I agree." Matt said huskily. 

I smiled widely as Matt's and my afternoon went from there.

"You guys ready to fucking do this!" Jimmy yelled as we all piled on the bus. 

"First tour back after a break is always the craziest!" Zacky yelled. 

I looked over at him and he smirked at me. 

"This is the first tour Missy will be spending with us." Matt said proudly. 

The guys all clapped and Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. 

"Thanks for welcoming me guys. I know it must feel weird touring with a girl." I told them with a laugh. 

"No its cool." Johnny said. 

"Val used to tour with us all the time." Zacky said. 

I looked over at him and my eyes narrowed. 

Matt coughed, and I could tell he was uncomfortable. 

Zacky smirked, knowing he had hit a nerve. 

"Well, I'm nothing like Val. So, no worries." I gold them all with a big smile. 

I pulled Matt closer and our lips met in a hard kiss. 

"I love you." I murmured against his lips. 

He grinned widely and held me even closer. 

"I love you too." He said softly. 

I smiled and leaned against his chest, making myself comfortable. 

"So, whose gonna be driving first?" Matt asked. 

No one said a word. 

I giggled softly as they all looked down. 

"Are we really gonna have to play rock, paper, scissors to figure this out?" Matt asked. 

Everyone put their hand's out and I laughed. 

Matt sighed and put his hand out too. 

I shrugged my shoulder and put my hand out as well. 

The guys chuckled. 

"Rock, paper, scissors!" I yelled. 

"Yes!" Jimmy yelled. 

He lost so he was automatically out. 

I laughed and we started again. 

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Matt said. 

"Woo hoo!" Brian and Johnny yelled, jumping up and down. 

It was just me, Matt and Zacky left. 

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Zacky yelled. 

"Yes!" Zacky yelled. 

"Fuck!" Matt cursed. 

Zacky had lost and Matt had to drive. 

He groaned and got up, making his way to the front of the bus. 

Zacky smirked and sat back, putting his hands behind his head. 

He looked me over and it was starting to piss me off. 

First bringing up Val and then this. 

"I'll stay up with you baby." I said loudly enough for Matt to hear. 

Zacky's smirk faded and a smirk made its way across my face. 

I got up and swished my hips, turning around to make sure Zacky wad watching my every move. 

And he was. 

I grinned.

I love payback.

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