Ch. 6: If He Even Did

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(le time skip for the sake of plot!!!)

The next day at school is pretty much same as the morning before. Bakugou is yelling about something stupid, Lida, whose name I found out by asking Midoria, is scolding him, and all was well! 

Or thats at least what I thought a first. I knew something was up when for some reason kept sneaking looks at me. 

Now I'm usually not the type to ignore stares, Ill have a full on staring contest with a stranger. But today I didn't want to cause a scene so i tried to ignore it, but it was so hard to do! 

Later, after Aizawa dismissed us for lunch, Mina came up to me after Bakugou left. " Well that was a hardcore once sided staring contest. That must've been so hard to ignore and SUPER uncomfortable." She immediately said exactly what I was thinking. She's such a good friend, she read my mind like an open book.

I chuckled a bit awkwardly at the odd situation that just passed. " To be completely honest, i was on the verge of having a staring contest with him." I chuckled once more, " But, i wonder what was on his mind, he usually doesn't act like that... is he worried about something?" 

Its just a guess but, he doesn't usually act like this, I'm usually wrong about stuff like this so iIlook to Mina for some kinda confirmation. "I don't know... he never seemed to care about you before, actually, it seemed like you got on his nerves the most." Actually, Mina was making a lot of sense, he does seem to hate me. " I guess your right, well, forget him, I'm STARVING and I think that lunch might actually be good today.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, other that the random stares I got from Bakugou. I after a few times, dealing with his stare got much easier, but it didn't change how weird it was. I slowly begin to grab my stuff when I hear someone call out to me from behind.

"Oi, Y/N." I immediately turn towards the scruffy voice to see Bakugou making his way toward me. Seeing him speaking tome now reminds me of my thoughts from earlier. Was I right? I still feel a bit awkward from earlier so I answer him slowly. "What do you want?" I'm good a hiding my expression from years of dealing with B.S. from others, so I was able to show a calm face. "You walk home alone, right?"

This question caught me off guard, what the hell? "Why do you want to know? That's none of your business." I turn around and grab my bag, ready to leave. I quickly brush past him making my way to the door when he grabs me by the arm. " I'm not fucking done talking to you." His voice was unusually calm, but was laced with annoyance. " There have been random attacks in the street lately, I'm taking you home." Suddenly, he begins to pull me out the door and towards the exit.

"H-Hey! What the hell! I told you, I'm fine! Let go!" He completely ignored everything I was saying and continued to drag me along. " Do you even know where I live?!" I didn't want to fight with him, but he was seriously getting me there. " You live in the 2nd province on Walkers street (random place if anyone's curious) right? I read the student hand book, I know I'm fucking right."

"Wow, nerd, that not creepy at all." I roll my eyes, my attempts to piss him are all failing. I planned to make him angry and him let go of me to fight but he's ignoring everything I say! " Its all so I can become the best, everything might be necessary." I only take a peek at his face as he walks ahead of me. 

He looks so determined... and kinda cool.

 Soon we get to my front door and he finally lets go of my wrist. "Your hands are really sweaty." Its like a switch flipped in him immediately. " SHUT THE HELL UP! ITS BECAUSE OF MY QUIRK DUMBASS!" I quickly jumped to cover his mouth and searched around me. " Shhhhhh! Your gonna disturb my neighbors! I don't care about how loud you are, but if my dad finds out about it then WE'RE BOTH SCREWED!" I whispered shouted at him with his mouth still covered and continued to look around to make sure no one was about to complain.

I quickly calmed down and looked back to Bakugou to see him just quietly looking at me. "W-what?" He looked as if he were about to say something but he just smacked my hand off of his face and began to walk away. " Wait, don't just leave!" I begin to pout and he stops and turns around. " Brat, I thought you said we have to be quiet." He smirked as he made his rude remark and I rolled my eyes. " Well I was going to thank you but never mind, AND FUC-!" I was beginning to yell louder than i already was but then I noticed a neighbor peaking through their blinds.

" Oh shit!" I whisper yell and slide out of sight, I scowl at Bakugou and notice him smirk once again and turn to walk away. " If that was your attempt to thank me then, your welcome dumbass." With that last insult he left me just standing there pissed. "I swear, just you wait til school tomorrow..." I stomp into my apartment and shut the door behind me, dad, once again, isn't going to be home for hours. So, I decide to work out a bit, i heard there was going to be some type of training course. Well, more like I went through dads bag and read it on a paper, but I just wanted to be prepared!

I did about 50 push ups and 100 sit ups, after, I washed the sweat off of me and went to bed. All I could think about was Bakugou and how he oddly was concerned for me. 

"What unusual developments..." 

And then I fell asleep mid-sentence, exhausted from a long workout, I didn't even hear dad come home.

That is, if he even did come home.


So something stupid happened 😅, I kinda broke my phone, AND IT WAS AN ANDROID, THOSE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BREAK EASILY. I was writing everything on that before and was so depressed for about a day thinking about how I would be able to write the next chapter. BUT I realized that I have a laptop that I rarely use that I can use to write! So I had to take it back from my brother and write! I'm usually not this dedicated to what I write but so fat I've put a lot of effort into this so I hope you like it and that it turns out well. I hope there are no typos, I tried hard this time not to leave any. So THANKS FOR READING see you next chapter! 


I'm always open for suggestions, so PLEASE, I will gladly accept any that go along with what I kinda have planned out for the plot!

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