Ch. 20: Moving In

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After everything that happened on Thursday, the teachers immediately went to everyone's houses a apologised to the parents. They didn't need to come to my house, being that my dad works there. They decided, for the students saftey, we should all move into a dorm. So we all packed up and moved into the dorms and school started that Tuesday. The training camp happened at the end of summer to kinda prep us for the school year starting back up.

On the first day at the dorms everyone decided to show off their rooms. Everyone else had such cool rooms so I was embarassed to show mine. I had spent alot of time getting things to decorate it, but I didn't think it would be put on display. There were a few people before me, now we are looking at Izuku's room. Everything was almight themed, from the bed covers to the posters of him on the wall.

Everyone was amazed at how much he had but my first reaction was that this was too funny. He had so much stuff of my old man in his room, it was hilarious to me. "Pfft-..." I covered my mouthto try and hold in my laugh but it was too late, Izuku had heard me. "Y-Y/N~~~, don't laugh~~!" Him telling me not to mad me laugh even harder, not to mention his face turning beet red. "Pft- hahaha! Ohmigosh!"  I ran out of the room and stood in the hall to calm myself down. I knew Izuku was a huge fan of sad but not like this! I had to wait it out til everyone moved into the next room.

After checking out Jirou's pink themes room, everyone  moved on to my room. I just sat in front of the door, praying they would listen and move on to the next one. "C'mon Y/N, let's see your room." Mina nudged me but I stayed put and started sweating bullets. "H-hey, seat we forgetting someone? What about Katsuki, shouldn't are see his room first? Huh? Please?" Then out of nowhere Mina gotthis evil look in her eyes, and I already knew what that meant. She kept forward and pinned my arms down. "Mina- AH, NO!" Her hands snaked around my waist and began to tickle my side's as I flipped around like a fish out of water. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA- STOP, OKAYOKAY, GO IN!" She finally stopped when I flopped far enough awayand opened my door while I was still gasping for air. "Whoaaa~, nice room Y/N!" Everyone went in and explores my room as I stood in the door way with some who stayed behind.

"Never thought Y/N would be the cutsey type

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"Never thought Y/N would be the cutsey type." I groaned and covered my face, this is just plain embarrassing. "Okay, okay, in to the last one, isn't that Katsuki?" Midoriya ran over to me and stopped me. "I-I'm sorry, Kacchan always goes to bed by 10, so he's probably asleep by now. Plus, he doesn't like others in his room... s-so he probably won't let us in." Izuku looked down sadly as if this were his fault. "Dont worry, I'll go to his door, I'll make him open up."

I needed towards Katsuki's door with Izuku trailing behind me and a few others who were brave enough to wake the sleeping dragon, which were only a few. Which were Mina, Denki, Kirishima, and Sero. The moment I reached his door I knocked. "Katsuki~~, open up~~!" There was silence, so I knocked again, a little harder. "Katsuki, get up!" There was still no anwser and things got annoying real quick. I banged on the door hard and loud. "Get the hell up Katsuki!" The door flew open only to see Katsuki standing shitless and spooked to all hell, yet still obviously mad.

 "Get the hell up Katsuki!" The door flew open only to see Katsuki standing shitless and spooked to all hell, yet still obviously mad

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(I don't own this photo, only edited it a lil bit, it is just used to help visualize the hottness of our dear Kacchan. Enjoy😉)

"DAMN OLD HAG YOU KNOW WHAT TIME I-..." The moment Katsuki noticed it was me he froze. "W-what the hell are you doing here?" I was in a bit of shock from how he first anwsered the door so my anwser was slow. "I... I wanted to see your room... duh." I looked away from him, trying to keep my eyes off his body. Damn did this boy know how to stay fit. For a short moment Katsuki stayed quiet but quickly turned around and shut the door. "H-hey!" There was the sound of some movement behind the door for a moment but then the door opened and he was dressed.


And he let the few of us out there in. "Your not staying for long, it's too late for that shit." We all pile in and shut the door behind us and sit down. I sat leaning up against the bed, Katsuki and Kirishima say on the bed and the rest say on the floor. "Wow, your room is the same as always Kacchan." Katsuki rolled his eyes and laid back on his bed. "Shut up ya damn nerd." We all sat there talking for awhile and making jokes. Suddenly I woke up and noticed that Mina, Kirishima, and Katsuki had fallen asleep too. I tapped them and they got up and left with the others following behind them but I was too tired to move so I just sat in place, staring at the wall in a daze. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a short and some pants lying on the floor. He just moved in and he's already being messy. Slowly everything started to fade and get darker, and I quickly fell back asleep.

Looks like we spending the night then, huh? Let's see how things go down in the morning😉

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