Ch. 9: USJ: NO Bakugou! P.1

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Before we boarded the bus Aizawa have us our hero suits and we all hurried off to the locker room to see how they look on us. My suit could be what you call... a bit revealing? It was a red skin tight suit, even though it clung to me, it was very comfy and stretchy like leggings. There is a red V shapes stripe on my chest and a dimond shape in my chest revealing a bit of clevage. The suit had no sleeves and ended as shorts with the arm and shorts edgeds lined with white. My shoes were thigh high boots that were actually surprisingly comfortable and not painful to walk in. I could even run in them if I wanted to.

We were all excited and you can tell, it was in our voices as we piled onto the bus. "Oh my gosh, its nice to get out of the school once in awhile and go on a field trip!" Mina excitedly jumped with her arms in the air with her arms up. "We would've been able to hang out together before if someone~ didn't sneak out their house." Mina eyed me once again, she's been scolding me lately about me being grounded, telling me that I should know better than to sneak out. Even though it was less of sneaking out and more of just leaving, but she doesn't need to know that. 

"This is not a ' field trip', this is a very important training exercise, so you should all focus!" Lida shouted at us from the front of the bus and we both pouted at him. "That doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun too!" Mina spoke in a more formal way. "Yes, having fun is an important part of training!" I laughed a bit and Lida began to agree with us and started a speech. "Although this is a very important trip we should all take care of ourselves and make sure to work hard toward excelling at our quirks. We-" I was not about hear this speech for the rest of the bus ride so I decided to cut it a bit short. 

"We shall live up to the school moto, PLUS ULTRA!" Most people chimed in except Bakugou who was obviously annoyed with our noise and decide to voice his anger. "SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DAMN EXTRAS!" I rolled my eyes at him and made it very obvious that I did in front of his face. "Oh, shut up hedgehog, go find something better to do than complain!" I blew a raspberry (Like stick tongue out blowing) at him, which obviously enraged him. "GET THE HELL UP, LET'S FIGHT!" I rolled my eyes again. "Wow, I didn't think getting your ass beat was that high up on your bucket list." Almost everyone erupted into laughter except stone cold faced Todoroki who ignores me or quickly escapes the convo every time I try to talk to him. Now that I think about it, he's always alone.

While I'm busy wondering about Todoroki, I completely ignore Bakugou who is still trying to picking a fight. "Oi, dumb ass!" Kirishima only sighs at him. "Dude, cant you tell when your being ignored? Just let it go, we're about to have the best training we've had all year!" Kirishima's intentions were in the right place but Bakugou's mood was ruined by Y/N. " Ah, what-the-fuck-ever." He quickly turned in his seat, but still, out of the corner of his eye, he watched Y/N in a daze thinking.

Soon enough we all arrived at the training facility and hurried off the bus. We all gathered around the teacher and then soon enough I heard a squeal, it was Midoriya. "Its pro hero Thirteen!! This is amazing!!" He quickly begins to ramble on about Thirteen's quirk and how amazing but deadly it is, he really love learning about others quirks. I chuckle at his adorable excitement at something so trivial to me, when I hear a "tch" from behind me. I look back only to see Bakugou pouting over something, whats his deal?

In that moment I noticed a dark black fog appear behind all of us, it was a bit far off but, something off about it. "What... What the heck is that Aizawa-sensei!?" I immediately pointed at the black mass and began backing away as Aizawa began to put his gaurd up. "All of you, evacuate to somewhere safe outside of the training facility, Lida, the alarms arent working, run back and get the other teachers!" Everyone began to get extremely worried. " Is that a villian? Why aren't the alarms going off, whats going on!?" Uraraka's voice got louder with every few words, you can tell that she's getting worried.

"GO NOW. EVERYONE EVACUATE!" Mr. Aizawa-Sensei was serious so everyone ran towards the exit til we were forced to stop when a villian got in our way. "I'm sorry, but I just cant allow you all to escape, All Might was supposed to be here... I wonder where he is? Well, we'll just have to make him come by maybe killing a few of you students." A chill when down my spine, he was serious, why are they after dad? Why cant they leave him alone!? I was getting angrier by the second, then suddenly I decided to try to do something. I quickly used my quirk in that split second, I turned up my pain tolerance, strength, skin durability so it was harder to bruise or bleed, and speed to get to the villian quickly. I can only do 4 things at once so that was what I thought of on the spot.

I lept forward, only to notice Bakugou and Kirishima decide to do the same, it made me feel a bit safer with the two of them beside me. The moment we were about to make contact we were enveloped in darkness. The dark really scared me, when I was younger I had a phobia of the dark, so being engulfed in it kinda brought back the fear, so I passed out from shock.

When I woke up I was in a room full of bodies scattered around on the floor. "OH MY GOD THEY'RE DEAD!!!" A bunch of bodies scattered across the floor is not the best thing to see when you first wake up. Its even worse when the way you went to sleep was by passing out. "AH! Wait, no, we only knocked them out." I look up to see Kirishima and Bakugou standing behind me. "Oh, where are we? We need to do something about the villains!" I immediately stand up, ready to spring into action but lose my balance and stumble back into Bakugou who caught me.

"We know that already moron, but you can barely walk." Bakugou helped me sit back down and Kirishima bent down beside him. "We can just leave her here, what if the villains come back?" Kirishima looked to Bakugou for the answer and he only sucked his teeth (The tch' sound). "Get on my back, we'll have to carry you." I was surprised by this. "What? I'll be fine, I'll manage to walk myself." I was lying, my legs are still asleep and I can barely feel them. "But if it takes longer than she expects, there is a high chance that the villains will find her." Kirishima seems genuinely worried about me, its sweet. "No, just get the hell on my damn back. You'll only slow us down if you go by yourself, don't be useless and annoying." Bakugou turned around and motioned for me to climb on. "You don't have to be so damn rude, gosh." Reluctantly, I climbed onto his back and held on around his neck so I wouldn't fall as he ran. "Alright then, lets go guys!"

After running for a bit and me being uncomfortably carried, we got closer to where the vortex guy is. Immediately upon noticing him Bakugou swooped me from off his back and into his arms. "Wha- What are you doing!" Suddenly, he passes me to Kirishima, who almost dropped me, and takes off to the fight him.

What if he gets hurt!? What if he get killed!? oh no, Oh No, NO!

"NO, Bakugou!"


Is this a good cliffhanger? Will Bakugou get hurt? Or will I decide to let things go smoothly? You'll never know, TILL NEXT TIME, ON DRAGON BALL Z! lol, jkjk having too much fun with this! Now I see why the people on webtoon have cliffhangers all the time. Anyway, make sure you comment and give feedback, I'd really appreciate it!


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