Ch. 7: Does He Care?

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This morning I searched around the house and couldn't find dad anywhere. The only thing I found was a note attached to the fridge. 

It read...

Hey sweetie, I had to go out to do some... work this morning.

 I'm not going to be home while your getting ready for school, so have a great day!


"Ugh." I roll my eyes in frustration he acts like I don't know anything about him. A long time ago, he got into a big fight, from that fight, he got injured and not the time he is in his hero form is limited. I'm not sure what he thinks, but he acts as if I don't know about my own fathers condition. Its really annoying, and is usually the reason I get mad at him. I only want him to talk to me but as usual, he super secretive. Its obvious he has a doctors appointment about his condition, they are probably going to tell him how much time he has left. The doctor, me, and a few teachers are the only one's who know about him.

I walked to school that morning in a bad mood and made sure not to talk to anyone as I sat in my seat. I even ignored the pair of eyes burning into the back of my head. "Oi, what's your problem dumbass?" I hear Bakugou talking to me but I ignore  him. I'm definitely not in the mood to deal with him, I might start crying for nothing.

"OI, Y/N, DID YOU NOT FUCKING HEAR ME!?" My eyes slowly begin to well up, damn, here come the water works. I quickly stand and shoot a glare at Bakugou who notices my eyes tearing up, by not the rest of the class begins to notice how upset I am. "GOSH BAKUGOU, CANT UP YOU TELL WHEN SOMEONE DOESNT WANT TO TALK!? DAMN!" I stormed out of the room with all eyes on me because of my big out burst. I decided to just hide out in the bathroom until I calmed down.

*Meanwhile, back in the classroom...*

"What the hell did you say to her Bakugou!?" Mina was the first to speak up, as she is the one who is closest to Y/N. "Dude, she obviously didn't want to be messed with." Kirishima  shook his head in disappointment to his friend. "SHUT THE HELL UP! I WAS FUCKING ASKING WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG! SHE'S THE ONE WHO FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT!" Bakugou angrily stood and stormed out of the room with all eyes still on him. "Oh, so he was just checking on her? Then, whats got her so stressed?" Kirishima looked to Mina for answers only to find her just as curious. " I'll be right back, I'm gonna go check on her." Mina quickly left the classroom to search for her friend.

*Back to Y/N in the Bathroom*

"Stupid Bakahoe. Damn, hedgehog. Why couldn't you just leave me alone? Shutting up must be too much for a stupid hedgehog, huh?" I sat alone in the bathroom quietly cursing Bakugou's existence. "Oi, Y/N?" I snap my head to the direction of the voice calling out to me. 

"Bakugou? I swear to god, are did you really come into the GIRL'S BATH-" Before I could finish my sentence he cut me off. "NO DUMBASS, I'M STANDING IN THE HALLWAY." I heard a soft sigh as Bakugou scuffed his foot on the floor. " I...... I'm sorry I pissed you off even though you over fucking reacted." 

The fuck? What kind of apology is that? " Yeah, whatever. You sound really sincere." I roll my eyes as I hear him scoff. "Well fine then, go ahead and fucking sulk alone in the damn schools bathroom. I didn't care anyway...tch." Wow. I've never heard such a tsundere line like that in real life. "Pfttt-!" I rock around on the toilet as i struggle to hold in my laugh.

"The fuck are you laughing at?!" Bakugou stormed into the bathroom and kicked open the stall, only to mind me sitting on the toilet. I slowly begin to turn red as he loses all of his anger and stares, at a loss of words. " WHAT THE HELL BAKUGOU! YOU DISGUSTING PERVERT!" I grab the extra toilet paper on the back of the toilet, i immediately activate my quirk and hurl it at him. 

I didn't realize that I left the door unlocked so the entire ordeal was a huge shock. The toilet paper hit him directly in the face and knocked him off his feet. Before he could even sit up I quickly grab the door and slam it shut. " GET OUT IDIOT!" By now Mina heard me yelling and ran into the bathroom only to find bakugou knocked down on the floor looking completely dumbfounded.

"Bakugou? What the heck are you doing in the girls bathroom?" Bakugou snapped his head towards Mina and quickly stood and rushed out past her. " The heck was that?" Bakugou mumbled and rubbed the back of his head as he slowly made his way back to class.

After i left the stall, I found Mina just staring at the bathroom exit as if she were in a trance. "What are you looking at?" Mina just shook her head and turned all her attention to me. " That's not important, whats up with you? Bakugou said that he was only trying to find out why you were so upset. Is everything okay?" Once again, I'm lucky to have such a good friend as Mina, shes funny and caring. " Ugh... its just... family problems, ya know?" Mina sighed with relief. " I can relate to that, my mom has been on my case lately about school." We continue to joke around about school and complain about family. Even though we were enjoying our convo there was still a question looming in the back of my mind.

"Why did Bakugou come to find me in the bathroom. Or more importantly, Why does he care?


Sorry, its been awhile since I updated. I just realized today when I was finishing my English project that I was still writing this. So I made sure to finish this chapter on the spot! Also, I would love to get suggestions, they would really help! I hope you liked the chapter, and I FINALLY REACHED 100 READS!!!! AHHHH, I'M SO HAPPY!!!. I might update slower now because i have exams coming up and i already might fail a class so... I have to study or I will get grounded and then it will be EVEN LONGER til an update.  So once again, thanks for reading, I hope you would like to come back and read again when I update next time. byeeeeeeee!

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