Chapter One

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"Subaru!" Yume ran over to her boyfriend. She smiled up at him. "Gomen, can we have our date tomorrow some emergency work came up and I really wanna do it!"
"Sure," he smiled. Then he flicked her forehead.
"Ouch! What was that for!" She pouted.
"For being Yume," he replied with a smirk. Yume stared at him in confusion.
"You've said that before.... what does being Yume mean!" She yelled out in frustration. "Such a meanie why did I even fall in love with a rude guy like you,"
"Your the rude one!" He argued back. Yume went bright red with anger. "Yudetaco," he laughed.
"Don't call me that!" She yelled. "YUME, MY NAME IS YUME!" She screamed in his face.
"Their at it again," Laura sighed.
"They're so cute together," Koharu giggled.
"I'm glad everything worked out," Mahiru smiled.
"I haven't seen Sakura in a while though," Ako thought.
"That's true," Kanata agreed.
"Stupid four eyes," Ako muttered. Kanaka got annoyed and they both began to arugula like the other couple.
"Those two are really cute as well, right Koharu-Chan!" Asihi smiled. Koharu nodded.
"They're disturbing everyone, for top idols they sure don't care about others opinion," Nozumu pointed out. The others agreed.
"Ahhhhh!" Yume yelled. "I'm gunna be late for my charity event!" She panicked and ran away.
"Actually Koharu.... can I talk to you?" Asihi blushed.
"Is he gunna do it now!" Mahiru wondered. She quickly walked over and hit Asihi on the head, knocking him out.
"Quit bugging my friends," Mahiru sighed at her annoying brother, who was just about to jump on Koharu and hug her.
"I would of though Mahiru would like the idea of Koharu and Asihi but I guess not," Laura said what everyone was thinking.
"That's true because if it works out for them she and Koharu would be sisters in law," Ako stopped arguing with Kanata.
"Guys we should go since we also have things planned," Kanata told M4.
"That's right I almost forgot," Nozumu smiled.
"What should we do about Asihi, he's out cold," Subaru sweat dropped.
"I'll handle it," Mahiru shrugged. She knelt down next to Asihi. "Koharu says that if you get up she'll hug you," She called into his ear. Asihi's euphemism flew open.
"What!" Koharu blushed.
"Koharu-Chan!" Went to hug her but he was grabbed by Mahiru.
"You have work to get to," she chucked him to the other M4 members and turned to her friends. "Who wants milkshakes?" She smiled.
"Scary," Laura shuddered. "But I wouldn't mind a milkshake,"
"I would also like a milkshake," Koharu smiled.
"I want milkshake too!" Yume yelled, running over.
"What happened to your event," Ako wondered.
"Well it turns out my watch is an hour early," She laughed. "So I have an hour,"
"Alright then let's go drink milkshakes!" Mahiru cheered.
"Yeah!" The others agreed.

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