Wᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ

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Xᴀᴠɪᴇʀ ...

My thoughts were everywhere. I couldn't believe my Sarah.. the one I believed was dead is alive and well.

"Why" I whispered breathlessly

"Why did you do it" I said louder

"Xavier I didn't want it to end up like this but it has to.. there can only be one person in charge" she ended up trailing off.

I could feel my anger rising faster then it ever has. She tried to kill me for power. She hurt the one I loved for power.


I could see hurt feel her features.

"You don't mean that" she whispered looking anywhere but my eyes.

"I do.. I mean it with every bone in my body.. with every breath I take. I hate you and I can't believe I loved you!" I spat

I could feel myself shaking. I used to love her. I used to care for her.. admire her. It was all a lie.

I grabbed my gun out and didn't hesitate a bit. I shot her right in the stomach.

That's when alarms began to go off from inside the hospital.

I rush inside to find Isabella.

"Sir you can not come in here.. her heart has stopped and she is slipping we need you to let us focus" a woman rushed me out.

I felt like I couldn't breath.

I was gonna lose the person I love.. I can't.

I could feel the tears escape from my eyes and my fists clench.

I storm out of the hospital to see Sarah was gone with a blood trail. But it quickly ended.

"FUCK!!" I yelled well going to my car and speeding away.

I don't understand. Why me.. why do I have to lose everyone.

Isᴀʙᴇʟʟᴀ 's ...

Darkness. That all that I seen. No light. No sounds. Nothing.

Just darkness and me.

"Is this what it's like to be dead?" I tried to speak but it only echoed threw my mind.

I felt trapped.. no no.. I was trapped. Trapped in darkness.. alone.

Suddenly their was a beeping noise and sounds.. but still darkness. Complete darkness.

"Oh thank god.. she's alive" I heard someone gasp.

"I know.. if she would of died it wouldn't have ended well for us" another person said.

That's when both people began to leave.

I tried to scream for them to stay but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything.

Isabella Where stories live. Discover now