Chapter 5

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter and story contains adult content and I don't want to upset anyone or have anyone be offended or anything like that so read at your own risk.
It was morning when the girls told me I would be meeting a woman named 'Ms Giddy'.

"Who is she?"

"She's been Joes midwife for years." The Dag told me.

"She's also our teacher." Cheedo smiled as she entered the room.

I had an idea or two on why I was here. A group of beautiful girls locked away in a room behind a thick metal door belonging to a crazed old man. Oh yeah, the chastity belts were a give away. I had started to piece things together the minute he ordered them to put that damn thing on me. So, I didn't freak out when they tried to explain the situation. The part I freaked out at was when Ms Giddy wanted to give me a 'check up'. I'm supposedly bat shit crazy and this woman was gonna evaluate me?


Cheedo leaned over and whispered to me. "He'll kill you."

I rubbed my temple. No. I told myself. No. No. "Lie. Tell him I'm damaged. No good."

The redhead shook her head. "What don't you understand. He'll kill you."

Angharad walked over to me and grabbed my hands. Angharad's soft skin had yet to be kissed by the sun, but there are scars that resided on her forehead. They looked like tally marks, ones that were not in any particular design. They were fascinating, to say the least. Had she herself carved them out? Or was it some form of punishment. Whatever the backstory was, they distracted me everytime she was talking.

Her eyes searched mine. "If he finds out you lied he'll hurt us."

I glanced back at there teacher. She seemed to be shriveling up like a dried tomato as each minute ticked away. Every inch of her skin was covered in ink, no particular design in mind. Almost every person i'd seen out in the wasteland had a tattoo, usually pertaining to the group they were in. Even I had a tattoo. Mine stretched from my wrist in a wave design to the end of my pointer finger. The design matched up with that of my gun handle. My pistol to be exact. But this lady was just...strange. Then again I was the one with the muzzle.

"The belt would come off for a while..." Ms Giddy bribed.

I let her do it. The exam, if you could call it that, took almost 40 minutes. Of course that was a pure guess since there was no way to tell time. I practically ran out of the back room once it was over, but then I saw him. Immortan Joe.
Every time I'd see him my eyes fell on his breathing mask. This time was no different. Why did he need it? Did he have breathing issues, or was he just getting old. The wrinkles on his forehead and the gray hair that fell to his chest lead believe the latter. He walked towards me and I held my breath. I wanted to seem strong, stare him in the eyes, but my gaze was diverted to the ground. I was terrified. He merely glanced at me himself before going to talk to Ms Giddy in private. I exhaled and joined the other girls— we all sat together on the couch, Cheedo and Capable both holding my hands. He eventually came out of the back room, and I thought he was going to leave. My mistake. He turned around grabbed my throat, his fingers gripping my skin tightly. The girls screamed; he yelled at them making them cower to the couch. He dragged me into the back room as I attempted to breath. My tears welled up in my eyes and I clawed at his hand. Is this it? I asked myself. I'm I going to die?
He pressed me to the wall, let go of my throat, and held me in place with one arm across my chest. His god awful mask was made out of teeth and tubing and he stuck it straight in my face.

"I have been kind enough to save you from the wasteland, and in return you will keep yourself in a good condition. I will use you as I see fit and you will comply. Do you understand?"

All I did was blink. Was this a dream? I thought. No one was this crazy, right? No one could just kidnap me and treat me like a damn dog.

But of course, there are people that are burdened with a twisted mind. Insanity doesn't just stop half way. It takes and takes until it's the only thing left in your mind.

By the time I came back to reality he was slipping the chastity belt back on.

"Urg! Get- off me!" I yelled.

Despite my struggles he clipped it on and the sinking weight immediately settled on me. He then gripped both my wrist and pushed them into the wall using all his force. I thought they were going to break. I yelped in pain and he looked at me in ways I would never be able to forget. Was he going to defile me right here, right now?

"I will return." He told me.

No. Not yet it seemed. I swear I could see a smile under his mask. Smile or not he turned me around by one arm, facing me towards the exit, then grabbed my throat, leading me out of the room like a disobedient child. I dropped in front of the couch and the girls knelt down to my aid as I sucked in air like a vacuum.

Before I could stop her, The Dag leaped out of her seat and shouted. "Immortan!"

I feared for her as Joe whipped back around. Unfazed by me or him she spoke,"She needs to eat. She needs the muzzle to be removed."

He looked at me then up at The Dag again.

"I'll send someone."

Why had she done that? Why had she stood up for me? The vault door closed and I had to see the outside world slip away once more. It was excruciating.

"Are you alright?" Angharad and the others asked.

He had gripped my throat tightly, but no damage was done. No bruising would show up. He was careful in a way that was disgusting.

I nodded and coughed to clear my throat. Physically, I would recover. Mentally? Well, I was pretty much already deranged...

"I told him you were perfect."

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