My Ghost Experiences

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Ghosts. They're everywhere. They're always around you. You may not notice them. You may notice them to the extent that you become afraid.

I'm with those that notice. The one's that experience the unbelievable. The one's that no one believes and get called c r a z y.

Well I'm here to tell you that if you do experience what most of society considers to be f a n t a s y, that you aren't delusional. You're not alone.


It all started when I was around 12.

It started out with small things. Things I could brush off as something rational like the wind.

Small things such as:

• Doors opening and closing

• Drafts in certain rooms

• Cold spots in certain areas of the house

I used to just shake it off and try to forget about it, but it started to progress into something worse. Something surreal.

Most of you would know that my sister had an upside-down pentagram in her bedroom for 6 months, maybe less. I spent a lot of my time in her room as I am quite close with my sister.

We would sometimes share her bed for the night when I didn't want to go back up to my room. You see, her room was behind the shed, and our shed was a good 30 meters from the house. So her room wasn't even in the house, it was separate. The room was also located in front of a forest. Well, a nature reserve.

We would both experience strange happens in that room. She wasn't a believer in the paranormal, but I was. I found it fascinatingly horrifying.

Some occurrences include:

• The sound of something/someone licking the carpet.

• The sound of shuffling feet on the carpet

• Someone turning off my my phone 6 times when my friend tried to call me (my phone was on the floor next to the bed) The bed is high enough for someone to easily lay under it

• Talking coming from inside the well behind her room

• Being touched as soon as the lights went out.

• Loud talking and screams coming from outside the room (They/it was calling my sisters name in a panic) (it sounded like her friends as she had them over) When we looked outside there was no one there.

• Seeing figures

We soon got rid of the Pentagram, but that didn't stop any of it.

Most of you should remember when I told you that I fainted. That has happened 2 times after the first incident.

We soon moved from that house, not because of the happenings, but because of other reasons. We didn't even tell our mother what had happened. In fact, we never told anyone, only people that were there when it happened.

I am 15 now. 3 years have passed. 3 whole years and it's all still happening.

I am writing this in our current house, a different location from our small horror story. You'd expect it to stop when we moved. Well, it didn't.

The feeling of being watched is becoming overwhelming. So overwhelming that I can't sleep unless I cover my face with the blanket. So overwhelming that I can't sit on my own couch without sinking into it in fear of someone seeing me.

Small knocks are heard throughout the house. Even knocks with a rhythm. The knocks are followed by thundering booms that only occur once a month. These all happen at night or when our mother isn't present.

Whispers. Quiet chanting. Singing. I am the only one to hear them.

The black figures that appear out the corner of my eye are becoming more frequent.

The feeling of someone touching you or crawling up your legs in the middle of the night almost occur weekly.

Then, two months ago. We discovered a painting in our garage. It's not a portrait, no, it's just a mass of colours and patterns.

No one, and I do mean no one, knows where it came from. We've asked everyone that has ever been to our house if they put it there without telling us. They all said no. We would've uncovered who put it there by now, but it still remains a mystery as to how it got there.

It's still in our garage. Just leaning against the wall beside our rusty outside freezer. No one likes going in the garage. It feels like it's taunting us. Watching.

You get overwhelmed with the feeling of coldness and uneasiness when you step foot into the cement box. I'm starting to think that's where it's most powerful. A damn garage.

Our family jokes about there being someone living in our roof. We call him Brad. We blame him for all the occurrences. By we I mean my sister and I. Mum just takes it as a joke.

I sometimes black out and wake up not remember what had happened beforehand. I would get out of the shower and almost faint.

I lose all emotion at ramdom points in the day. I snap randomly and instantly feel horrible.

It's getting worse.

This concludes my occurrences for now. I will update when something else happens. Feel free to talk to me whenever about my situation or yours.

Until next time...


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