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                               THE PAINT POT

darrell romine


Mixing the colors,‭ ‬Does it matter.

Not when you're truly in love.


It was raining sideways,‭ ‬it was friday night,‭ ‬and Del Shaughnessy wanted to get home.‭ ‬Work had been a bear,‭ ‬he had stayed up late writing the previous night and traffic was maddening.‭ ‬He was just beginning to make headway through an accident scene,‭ ‬when he saw her.‭ ‬The beautiful girl from work that he had noticed before,‭ ‬and she had a flat tire in the worse possible place.‭ ‬He felt sorry for her,‭ ‬it was rotten luck.‭ ‬She looked up and saw him,‭ ‬her face flashed some hope for a moment.‭ ‬He had to get home,‭ ‬so he averted his eyes.‭ ‬He could see the light go out of her eyes and she began to cry.‭ ‬There was something about those soft brown eyes pouring out tears in the middle of a rainstorm that gripped him.‭ ‬He thought,‭ "‬Franz Kafka would have loved this scenario.‭ ‬A loser trashing his friday evening for a girl who would probably forget his name in ten minutes.‭" ‬He moved his car over to the side in front of her car,‭ ‬thus sentencing himself to at least a couple hours delay.

‭ ‬He slipped on his raincoat and stepped into the driving rain.‭ ‬She looked up and he saw the hope in her eyes again.‭ ‬He said,‭ "‬I'm Del Shaughnessy,‭ ‬we both work at InterCorp, I'm an IT guy.‭ ‬Can I help you‭?" ‬She smiled,‭ "‬I'm Carlene,‭ ‬I've seen you around at work.‭ ‬My brother borrowed my car and lost the jack and lug wrench.‭ ‬Do you have those tools‭?" ‬He said,‭ "‬My mother calls me OCD all the time.‭ ‬I've got a whole tool kit in my trunk.‭ ‬I'll have you ready to roll in no time.‭" ‬He opened up the trunk of his Toyota and got out a four way lug wrench,‭ ‬a small floor jack and a piece of Astroturf to save his pants.‭ ‬He set a small amber blinking flashlight on the side of the car to warn other motorists.‭ ‬He put the Astroturf down and rolled the floor jack under the vehicle.‭ ‬In no time he had fetched the spare from the trunk,‭ ‬got the flat tire off and put the spare on.‭ He placed the flat tire in her trunk and shut the trunk lid down. ‬He retrieved the jack,‭ ‬grabbed his tools and put them back in his trunk.‭ ‬He warned her,‭ "‬Those spares are good for‭ ‬50‭ ‬mph top speed and only fifty miles duration.‭ ‬Good luck.‭" ‬She offered to pay him,‭ ‬but he refused.

‭ ‬She said,‭ "‬I want to text you,‭ ‬what's your number‭?" ‬He gave her the number.‭ ‬They both got in their cars and put their blinkers on,‭ ‬to try to get back in traffic,‭ ‬for all the good it did.‭ ‬She texted him,‭ '‬UR my hero‭'‬.‭ ‬He grinned,‭ '‬your drowned nerd hero thanks you‭' '‬why did U stop-‭ ‬U ruined ur nite‭' '‬ur soft brn eyes and tears‭' ‬.‭ ‬She called him and he answered.‭ "‬You really stopped and helped for my brown eyes and tears‭?" ‬He said,‭ "‬Yep,‭ ‬I'm a romantic fool.‭ ‬That's why I'm home every night,‭ ‬writing another romantic novel,‭ ‬instead of learning about it firsthand from a live girl.‭" "‬You write romance‭?" "‬Yeah,‭ ‬I tap at my laptop every night and meet with other wordsmiths on Wednesday nights to learn how to be more proficient at it.‭ ‬It's Nerd city:‭ ‬Jeopardy,‭ ‬Star Trek,‭ ‬Sci-Fi,‭ ‬electronics galore,‭ ‬you wouldn't understand.‭" ‬She said,‭ "‬You might be surprised,‭ ‬I kick major bootie on Jeopardy,‭ ‬and I assemble my own computers.‭" ‬He said,‭ "‬Wow,‭ ‬I'm impressed.‭ ‬Do you buy off Neo Egg,‭ ‬out of silicon valley‭?" ‬She said,‭ "‬It's New Egg,‭ ‬and yes,‭ ‬I do after I check prices.‭ ‬Did I pass the test‭?" ‬He said,‭ "‬There's a lot of‭ '‬Nerd wannabes‭' ‬around,‭ ‬one can't be too careful.‭" ‬She chuckled,‭ "‬I don't think so.‭"

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