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‭They finished their lunch and talked about the life ahead. She said, "We'll probably have to get married in my families Church, as a sop to my Mom. That is a bargaining chip I will probably have to play. Do you think your folks will be uncomfortable in a black church?" He smiled, "I don't think so. They've never been racist. They have worshiped at Hispanic churches, and support building pioneer churches in Mexico. I think they would be happy to see me being happy. I've always been very picky about dating. The fact that I am ecstatic about a woman and want to marry her is going to cause them a lot of joy." She smiled, "My Dad is a lot like that. My Mom went through a lot of pain from racism as she was growing up and still reflects it. Your folks could help a lot to get peace to reign between our two families." He said, "I sure hope the pain from the past can ease and we and our children can dwell in a place that the Reverend Martin Luther King, Junior envisioned. I have always respected his wisdom and insight."

‭ He looked at his watch, "We gotta' get going. He kissed her passionately, and they walked briskly back to their stations back at Intercorp. The afternoon passed quickly and the couple drove home. Del went by his place and got some things, included clothes and his laptop. When he got to Carlene's place he had to wait a little while, as she was shopping. He wrote a poem to her on the laptop. " I heard your sweet name on the wind, Carlene. Your perfume came to my mind. Your eyes burned into my vision, your delightful body and it's thousand delights enticed me to love. I remembered the touch of your precious skin, and the taste of your lips. You are in my dreams, you walk through my memory, the wanting of you grips me as we touch and kiss. How did I ever do without you, how did I suffer through those cold mists of loneliness. When will we entwine again. Come to me and fill me with hot happiness and the pursuit of joy."

‭ She drove up and he helped her carry the bags into the Apartment, along with his things. They shut the door behind them and clung together in warm love. He turned the laptop around and opened it to the new poem. He helped her put the food and items away. They sat at the table, she read the poem and put her arms around his neck. She kissed him softly and lingered on his face, he kissed all round her mouth. She said, "This was the best Monday I ever had." He said, "I never dreamed that love could be this sweet, this fulfilling, this incredible." She said, "I've got to get this wedding going. I'm going to arrange a secret meeting with my Dad. Nobody can know, except us and Dad. I'm going to try to get it underway. Will you go with me and be charming for my Dad to see?" He said, "I'll be there and do my best." She rose and got out a frying pan, "Do you feel like steak and baked potatoes?" He grinned, "MMM, sounds good."

‭ They ate Dinner and talked softly about how their lives had changed. She said, "I feel almost like we are married already. We sleep together, we eat meals together, we share exquisite kisses and love talk. The only thing that will change on our wedding night is the total surrender of our bodies to each other." He grinned, " I hope you aren't disappointed, I don't know if I can be a hot lover or not." She said, "I've got a feeling it will be wonderful, and our lack of experience won't matter. I have a certainty it will be indescribably sweet and satisfying." He grinned, "I'm sure it will be, because both of us want it to be. This steak is great, you're a good cook." They finished supper, he did the dishes and she cleaned up the kitchen. They sat on the couch, he asked,"Do you have a Roku device?" She said, "Yeah, but I don't use it much." He brought it up on her HD TV and punched in his passwords. Soon they had several channels they could watch. He said, "Since we're hanging out till death does us part, we may as well be watching some good romantic movies for our edification and erotic exasperation." She laughed, "Did you know you have filled my life with joy?" He kissed her and said, "Did you know I ache for you?"

‭ He said, "Want to watch one called, 'The Longest Ride', it's good?" She nodded, and he started the flick. They shared a decaf cola, and she cuddled close. When it was over, she said, "That was good, the twin stories made it fascinating. It was a narrative of two couples who, like us, were from different worlds and yet had many similarities." He said, "I thought you would enjoy it; tomorrow night, it's 'Love's Complicated', which is funny at times, yet very romantic and stimulating." She rose and got his oversize tee-shirt. He retired to the bathroom and took a quick shower, he dried off and put on clean boxers. He put on the tee-shirt and came out of the bathroom. She had on her lingerie and quickly put on her night shirt. He said, "Wow, Carlene, that was amazing. You are incredibly sexy." She blushed and got into bed, she said, "I did that on purpose, not to tease you, but to show you what I am going to give to you on our honeymoon." He said, "That is going to be so wonderful." He shut off the light, and jumped into bed on top of the top sheet. They cuddled and kissed cautiously. Soon the tiredness of the day caught up with them and they slept entwined."

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