6. Pouting

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Bell ring**

I ran back to class. When I walked into the class, Jungkook was staring at me. I sat down without looking at him. Then he leaned his head down and turned to look at me.

" Why are you staring at me?"

" Are you crying? " He asked. Out of blue.

" N-no I didn't " I lied.

" Don't lie! Your eyes are red" he observed.

" If I cried, why would you care about it? " I looked at him.

" And why are you crying? " He raised his voice a little bit.

" I...I.." I paused. " It's none of your business" I took my book out of my bag.

" Okay if you said so" He pulled his head back from the table and sit properly.

I feel like he's angry but.... maybe not!

30 minutes later

I felt something strange today. I felt so bored after I finished writing my lesson. *Sigh* I looked at Jungkook who was writing the lesson.

He's so handsome even with his straight face. Omo no words can describe how handsome he is!

Meanwhile, he looked at me. I was too late to turn away.

" Why are you looking at me? " he raised his eyebrows.

" Um... I-i am looking at your letters not you " I made an excuse and turned to look at the whiteboard.

" Hmm" he continued to write the lesson. Why he doesn't joke as always? Is he really angry at me?

*skip to the 2nd break time*

The Class End

I prepared my supplies.

" where do you want to go next? " Rosy asked.

" I don't know," I said without looking at her.

" Bye Rosy" Jungkook waved at her and walked away.

" Ohh bye-bye, Jungkook" Rosy waved back. " Why didn't he wave at you? " she looked at me strangely.

I looked at her," I don't know maybe he's angry at me" I sighed.

" Why is he angry with you? " Rosy asked.

I sighed once again, " I DON'T KNOW!!" I shouted and walked away.

When we arrived at the school gate, Rosy pulled my shoulder.

I looked back, " What??"

" where do you want to go next? " she made a puppy face.

" Anywhere you want," I said in annoyed.

" Do you want bubble tea? " Rosy smiled.

I nodded and walked out of the school's gate. I saw Jungkook was standing in front of the school and holding his phone. I looked away, pretending not to see him.

" Ohh there's Jungkook!!" Rosy exclaimed.

Jungkook looked at us and I made a small smile.

My nerdy princess //JJK//Where stories live. Discover now