29. Confession

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I woke up early and did my morning routine. I didn't know why I should wake up early but I felt like I had to. I went downstairs and Moonie wasn't there. I searched for her shoes and it's still there. she hasn't woken up yet! I put on my shoes and headed to the school.

I still thought about what Moonie said yesterday. what should I do? should I let her be with Jungkook? by the way, I can't do anything either. let's see if Jungkook loves her back.

I arrived at the school and Jungkook was waiting for me. He smiled at me and I smiled at him back. huh? I smile at him? I walked toward him and waved.

'' Are you coming alone? '' he asked and I nodded. '' you're early today. ''

'' let's go to the classroom. '' I said and we headed to the class.

No one was there in the class and it was just the two of us. awkward! I sat down and prepared my stuff. Everything Moonie said to me yesterday was still stuck in my head. Then I looked at Jungkook and suddenly he looked at me, '' what do you want to say? '' he asked.

'' do you like Moonie? '' I asked him of a sudden and I couldn't believe that I asked him like that.

He was shocked, '' what! why are you... '' he didn't finish yet and I cut him, '' just say what do you feel.'' I raised my voice.

'' umm.... actually Moonie is cute and a bit funny but I don't know if I like her or not,'' he said and I looked away.

I leaned my head down on the table and sighed in relief. I feel a bit good now. I faced up and looked at him, '' what if she confesses to you, will you accept her? '' I asked him straightforwardly.

'' hmm..... I don't think she is going to do that but if she does that, I think...... '' he paused and I leaned closer to him.

Suddenly, his phone rang and we were startled. I looked away and he took his phone out and answered.

'' Oh hello, Moonie? '' after I heard that I looked at him quickly. how can they have each other's numbers?

'' I'm sorry I can't walk you to the class today. '' he giggled and I still looked at him.

'' yeah bye-bye! see ya! '' he hung up and looked at me.

'' Why are you looking at me? '' he asked and I looked away.

'' why don't you walk her to the class? '' I asked as I was opening the book.

'' I'm lazy. '' he giggled. '' by the way, why do you ask me this stuff? '' he raised his eyebrows.

'' umm... I.... see you guys are close. '' I gulped and he leaned closer to me.

'' weird! '' he made a curious face and I can't look into his eyes then I pushed his face away.

'' don't think too much! I'm just asking. '' I said and he nodded.

My heart was racing so fast. oh god!

Bell ring!

The teacher walked into the class with lots of papers in her hands. Everyone stood up and greeted her. Then we sat down.

'' guys! '' the teacher said loudly and we paid attention. '' do you remember the competition? '' she asked. is the competition start?

'' yeah...! '' The whole class said loudly.

'' okay good! '' she lifted the paper. '' this is the sign-up paper. There are many competitions. If you are interested, you can sign up here and give it back to me. '' then she passed the papers to the students.

My nerdy princess //JJK//Where stories live. Discover now