9.Fact: 1

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We ran back to our class quickly and the break time ended. I walked slowly to my seat and I saw many girls taking pictures of Jungkook who was sleeping. I walked slowly to my place which was next to him.

" Yah Nerd!! Go away! You're blocking us!! " One girl yelled at me and I just walked out from my table, and stood near the table that was behind me.

They were taking pictures and screaming like animals. I know that Jungkook is handsome but why do you guys need to scream? Disgusting!!!

" awww this one is so cute," one girl said as she showed the picture on her phone to other girls and they screamed. Animals!

I saw them looking at the phone so I went back to my seat and prepared some supplies on my table. I could see Jungkook was sleeping on his arm. Suddenly his head almost fell down on the table and I pulled my hand out to support his head. Ugh, his head is heavy! I was about to put his head on his arm back but one girl yelled. " Yah! Kim Sunnie!! What are you doing?" I looked at her.

" umm..... I just put my hand to support his head to prevent him from falling on the table. " I said nervously.

" Are you sure? Or you want to touch his face, don't you? " Sumi walked to me with her friends. Am I wrong?

I shook my head. " Yah! Don't you hear that she just supports his head!!. " Rosy yelled at them.

" Hehe, good acting " they laughed and clapped hands.

I didn't reply or do anything to them. I still held Jungkook's head. What will happen if I'm Jungkook's friend?

" Yah! Why don't you take your hand off him? " Sumi yelled at me.

I looked at her and slowly pulled my hand out but suddenly she snatched my hand away and Jungkook's head fell on the table. *Phang* he opened his eyes slowly and pulled his head from the table. Everyone looked at him.

" what happened?" He brushed his hair.

Sumi released my hand, " This nerd wants to touch your face. She put her hand under your face." She pouted. What? Why do you have to lie?

After I heard it, I looked at Jungkook, "no I don't. I just support your head from falling on the table." I rejected.

Jungkook made a puzzled face. I didn't know how to explain it to him.

" Jungkook ahh! Don't trust those animals. Sunnie just helped you not to wake up. " Rosy glared at those girls.

" Yah Rosy!!" Sumi pointed to Rosy and then Rosy stood up.

" what do you want to do? Fight me?? Come on! I won't fight you back. The one who is right never afraid." Rosy moved near her.

Sumi was about to open her mouth to speak but the teacher was coming and everyone rushed to go to their seats.
I rushed to my place and took my book out of my bag. I hope Jungkook doesn't notice what Sumi said.

*Bell ring

It's time to go home. Everyone rushed to prepare their stuff and left the school with a happy face. I was preparing my stuff and Jungkook asked, " Do you want to go to bubble tea? " I looked at him and shook my head, turning back to put my stuff in my bag.

" Wae? " he pouted.

" I must go to extra class early. " I said without looking at him.

" your extra class starts at 1 and now it's 11 so you have 2 hours. " He looked at his hand-watch.

I looked at Rosy who stood next to me and slowly looked at Jungkook, " umm we haven't finished the exercises yet. " I lied.

" Jinja? " he opened his eyes widely.

My nerdy princess //JJK//Where stories live. Discover now