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Riada Ferrite, the adopted daughter of Alto, is among my oldest concept character.

She's the protagonist that develops into a strong, silent type of character. Seeing the world in a different perspective, literally, Riada finds herself in an adventure that she never expected. The goal of being a famous member of an organization called The Black Hand is minute to the opportunity that she will be presented...

I have quite regretted on not developing a complete version of her own story. And so I've decided on going back to retell her story. And give it a proper first arc ending.

Design wise for this character seemed easy. I used two hues: blue and brown. But the devil's in the details. Using different blues, and browns to create each piece makes it complicated. I chosen the blues because the cultural linkage to her mentor. It's a safeguard against death. Riada's armor and clothing is incorporated for this strong belief.

For the browns, it's the color of wood and leather. Both are part of Riada's design. As Riada never goes without her wooden axe and leather straps to keep her outfit together.

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