3 | "You will be loved always"

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----Chapter 3---

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Here we go.

Sanjana pov:

No matters what happens, life goes on. Making you to meet new people and leaving some behind.  Everything happens as a part of living. It's a human phenomenon to forget people. But I don't know why this can't work with me. All I want is to forget him. 

I got dressed up in a black crop top and a grey colored knee length skirt. I applied a minimal amount of make up to add extra charm to my face.

Maybe, the time has came for me to find someone who is worth and the time has came for me to leave some worth less people behind and to give a fresh start.

Ting tong. I heard the door bell. It must be Reyan. I thought and went downstairs. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hey!!" I said and he gave his cute smile. He looked dashing in his attire. This was the first time, I saw him in something different other than suits.

"Look you.... Gorgeous" he said breaking my thoughts. He was looking at me from top to toe and that made me a little uncomfortable.

"Thanks for the compliment and you look good too" I said bringing him back from his wonderland. I invited him in and declined it.

"Let's go. I have something planned for you" he said and took my hand. I nodded and locked the house. He took me towards his car and opened the door for me. Oh!! gentle men. I thought.

I hopped in and he went to the other side. He got into the car and started driving. I was looking at the passing roads thinking about Reyan and this date. I don't know whether it's a good idea or not but it will help me to start a new life.

"So you decided to be silent?" he asked to which I looked at him raising my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

"Talk something. Do you want me to switch on the music player? Even if you want, I'm not going to do that because the only thing I want is to hear your voice" he said smiling. Aww!! He has a great smile with dimples. I just smiled as I don't know what to talk.

"So what's our next project?" I asked casually.

"We have a lot of things to do, Sanjana. Actually, I'm going to London soon and we have set a new hotel there" he said to which I nodded.

"Maybe I will need your help. You should take care of the interior designs" he said smiling again. Why is he looking different today?

"Sure" I said and he halted the car.

"Mind if you give me two minutes? I'll just come" he said and got down from the car. Where is he going? I looked out and he is going to a bouquet shop. He came with a bouquet in his hand. He walked towards my side and opened the door.

"Here, this is for you, Gorgeous" he said giving me the bouquet.

"Thanks Reyan but there is no need for this" I said and my eyes fell on the bouquet. It's a bouquet of Daisies. He got into the car and again started driving.

"Do you love Daisies? Actually they are my favorite" he said breaking my deep thoughts. Everything started to flash again. God!! Why is my past haunting me like this?

"They are my favorite too" I whispered with a fake smile. He took me to a restaurant near the beach. The place was so beautiful with flowers and candles. He took to the top floor through the elevator. I looked at the sea which is silent with moon and stars in the sky.

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