40 | "You broke me completely"

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Guys, here is the update. A long one. I know it's been a long time. Please read the previous chapter once so that you can feel this chapter.

Here we go..

Sidharth Pov:

"She is the best thing you ever had" Aditi's voice started ringing in my head. Yes, she is right. Sanj turned into the best thing in my life. I'm really happy to confess her. My love for her will increase every second. These morning incidents started playing in my head. How she reacted when I said that I want to make love to her. I was smiling unknowingly.

"Whoa!!Whoa!! Someone is blushing" I heard a voice breaking my train of thoughts.   I turned my head and I found my idiot cousin. From where did he landed? The main door was locked for sure.

"Bhai, I have a spare key for this house. My lovely bhabhi gave me a long back. I entered the house using it" he said. Great!! Why did she gave him a spare key? This is so wrong. What if we both were doing some hot stuff in a hall or kitchen and what if this guy suddenly enter? God!! I can't imagine it. It will be so embarrassing and I can't stop this idiot from teasing me. I brushed my thoughts and tried to concentrate on the present situation. Why did he landed all of a a sudden?

"What are you doing here, Nihaar? What makes you to land here?" I asked as we sat on the couch.

"Nothing bhai. I'm trying hard to divert my mind. Your mom aka my aunty is so bothered about what happened to me. So to give her some peace, I landed here. I thought you will be at work but thanks to God, you're here. Between where's my babhi?" he asked looking everywhere. God!! What the heck is going on? What's bothering him?

I studied him one more time carefully, to find an answer. His beard wasn't trimmed nicely and I saw his knuckles were wounded.

"Hey!!what the heck is wrong with you?" I asked and he ignored my question.

"Nihaar!! I asked you something. Don't ignore my questions. You know about the consequences right?" I tried to threaten him.

"Leave me alone,bhai" he said walking to the lawn. He just ignored me. Arrey, why is he behaving like this? What's his problem? I started thinking and then I understood what exactly is bothering him.

"Niara is your problem right?" I asked and he turned towards me with a sad smile. I saw tears pricking out of his eyes and he blinked his eye lashes to stop them from falling.

Immediately, I pulled him into a brother hug.

"What happened Nihaar?Did you proposed her? What's her reaction?" I asked.

"There's no need to propose her,Sid. I came to know that Vikrant already proposed her" he said.

"When did this happen? What's her reaction?" I asked pulling him out of my embrace.

"That day, you dropped me at Jesica's place right. I decided to confess my feelings with all my courage. But Jessica stopped me saying Vikrant already proposed her" he said.

"It's my bad luck. I lost my first love" he said.

"But you don't know her reaction, Nihaar. You might be misunderstanding things. Did you even tried calling her after our police station incident?" I asked and he nodded in no. I was about to say something but I heard the door bell ringing. My wife must have come. I thought and we both walked into the hall.

"I'll go and open" Nihaar said and walked towards the door. He looked at the security screen and turned towards me with a horrified look. Why is he acting?

"Naira... What is she doing here?" he said panicking.

"Listen, tell her that I'm out of town. I'll hide somewhere" he said and rushed upstairs. Why he is hiding now? I don't want to argue so I walked and opened the door.

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