29 | "Is she happy with me?"

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---chapter 29-----

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Here we go

Sanjana Pov:

"Everyone in this world will find love at the right time and with the right person. Sometimes, they may also fall with the wrong person at wrong time. Why to stop your life there itself? Move on!!" this quote popped on my Instagram window. 

What the heck? Is that so easy to MOVE ON? If it's so easy then I would have moved on by now. I would have ceased my thoughts about Sid a long back. It's not that easy to forget someone you love truly. 

"Hey!! Where were you?" I heard Sid's voice and I shook my head. God!! What am I thinking? Why the hell am I still hanging on Move On? I'm married to my love now. 

Whoa!! Whoa!! He is your love but you are not his. mocked my brain.

"Soon to be his love" I mocked back.

"What are you thinking so deeply? Where were your thoughts?" he asked again. 

"Nothing.. Shall we leave?" I asked keeping my phone back into my bag.

"Yeah. But what about your breakfast? Cat said you haven't ate anything" he asked with concern. I looked straight into his eyes to read his thoughts but he quickly averted his gaze. Great Mister Sidharth!! You have started hiding but I'll not leave you. Admit it!! You started caring for me. Last night incidents started flashing in front of me. I lost my heart beat when I felt his cold hands on my waist. I felt like the whole zoo dancing in my stomach. 

"What happened to you yaar? You were lost" I again heard Sid's voice. Shit!! Don't act like a fool, Sanj. Try to present here. He may think you are mad. 

"Nothing Nothing!! Just thinking about the designs. Let's go" I said getting up and started walking towards the door.

"You forgot to answer my question. Breakfast?" he asked embarrassing me. 

"I'm not hungry" I said without looking at him and ran out. Why the hell am I embarrassing myself today? I cursed myself and walked towards the car. I got into the car and continued cursing myself. He got into the car and gave life to the engine.

"Are you okay?" I heard his voice after few minutes and I nodded my head in yes. We reached his office and started walking inside. My phone started buzzing, it was Reyan. 

"Hello!!" I said picking up the call. I can feel a pair of eyes on me. It was Sid. He was looking at me as if I have committed a crime. 

"Where are you, Sanj? I'm waiting for you here. We have the meeting with Sidharth. Do you remember that? Did you made the samples?"he posed a series of questions.

"We reached just now and the samples are ready. Don't worry about them. I'll see you two minutes" I said and hung the call. I turned towards Sid and he was waiting for me to speak. 

"Actually, I need to go. Reyan is waiting for me in the meeting room. I need to check the samples once again" I said with a smile and he gave a nod.

"Okay then, will see you in the meeting. Bye" I said and started walking towards the elevator. I got into the elevator and Sid followed me. 

"Do you know where the meeting room?" Sid asked and I nodded in no. This is not my office. How will I know?

"10th floor" he said and pressed 7th floor and then 10th floor. Maybe, his cabin is on 7th floor. I thought. We reached 7th floor and he turned towards me.

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