chapter 5 : Engel dër jagd

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Count Mott was having a great day to say the least , not only did he got himself a fine new addition to his already large harem , but the latest girl siesta , if his memory served right was her name , was rather beautiful to say the least a sick and perverted smile came over his face , however his thoughts where cut short when a large crashing sound shook his mansion .

When he reached there his eyes widened to see what was in front of him . The gate of his mansion was obliterated , there was debris everywhere his guards where piled up defeated and standing on the middle was a man , wearing a weird brown jacket with a fur lining near his neck and weird green pants with many pockets , his silver blonde hair was combed back . The man turned to look at Mott and there eyes met , Mott felt a chill run down his spine when he saw the cold blue eyes of the stranger slowly analysing his appearance. A primal grin took over his face "gotcha .. you little prick !!" he said before he slowly started to make his way towards Mott.

3 hours earlier ...

Adrian was enraged to say the least.... where he came from , he was considered one of the most dangerous and ruthless supervillain. And now here he was in a new world .... planning to save a girl from the horrible fate that she was going to face . "Damn it ....." Adrian cursed while gritting his teeth , one part of him just wanted to ignore , while the other more humane and somewhat paternal side of him urged him to go and help siesta before that sick bastard did something bad to her .
He imagined that what he would have done if it was his own daughter . Finally sighing he made up his mind . He's gonna teach that sick guy a lesson he won't forget , "but first i must know where that sicko lives ...." he said before walking towards Louise's room.

"There you are , Familiar where where you.... " louise asked the moment she saw Adrian entering the room , she could see the disturbed and rather vexed expression on Adrian's face , "Hey is everything allright , Mr. Adrian?? " saito said getting up from the pile of hay he was sitting on . Adrian turned to look at saito and Louise before closing his eyes "there's something for which i need both of you're help " he said with a sigh . "You know the maid called siesta , don't you ?" Adrian asked receiving nods from both louise and saito . "Yes , she is the lead maid on the dining space " . "Yes , she was the one who gave us food the other day " saito said with some interest in his voice . "Seems like some sick prick .... have decided to take her in for his twisted pleasures " Adrian said with a bitter voice , both louise and saito widened there eyes . "We must help her !!!!" Saito said with extreme anxiety and surprise clearly evident on his face , "That's exactly what we are gonna do " Adrian said looking at saito at which he nodded . "It's of no use .... " both adrian and saito swiftly turned to look at louise with shocked expressions. "It's useless... we can't do anything in this matter ...." louise said with her head hung low . Adrian was utterly enraged , not only is some sick pervert going to torment an innocent young woman , but here a person was denying to help her even before trying . Adrian went up and grabbed louise by her shoulder and brought his enraged face near hers , "Listen and listen well , you spoilt little brat .... i might have been what the media back in my universe would designate as " a threat to normal society" but even a  guy like me is nothing compared to you elitist trash" Adrian hastly jerks back up standing to his stature. All the whilst glaring and never breaking eye contact with the small pinkheaded munchkin "Even a threat to society who has terrorised the people back home like me knows what an innocent woman will have to go through if a perverted sicko like that count guy gets his hand on a young girl" he turned back and started to slowly saunter away leaving the pink haired girl bewildered and widened eyes . He just turned once but Louise wished that he didn't the sheer hatred and spite in his eyes where evident. "You lot are even worse than some of the guys back home....I  might have endangered lives and caused destruction..but we are not lowly enough to attack young children or.. worse .do things like women" Adrian spat with contempt , "you lot are so disgusting that i do not even intend to be in your presence much less strike you down" Adrian walked away ...but if he was to turn he would see the tears rolling down the eyes of the young pink mage . "Utter rubbish" he whispered before he spotted an all too familiar blonde head at a distance "Oi..Guiche was it ?" He called out the action was almost instantaneous as the one being addressed almost spasmed and jerked as he looked behind shakingly. "O...oh...I.. it's y-you"..Guiche was almost on the brink of a nervous breakdown but somehow held unto his bravado . "Yeah...hey since i am a bit short on time can ya help me with something ?" This made Guiche widen his eyes as he was not expecting this to come out from the mouth of the all powerful familiar. "Eerm...y..yes.." he somewhat shakingly replied . Adrian looked back at the blonde boy and gave a short contended affirmative nod "brilliant...then tell me where this count Mott lives". Guiche was a tad taken aback by this bizzare query but he did not paid much heed to it as he did not wanted to anger the mighty "metal angel" so he just gave away the directions eliciting a grin that guiche can claim would send shiver down anyone's spine from Adrian after which he slowly walked away his hands stuffed in his coat pockets . "So...what's the deal here ?" The sudden voice  starled the blonde mage as he turned and saw the flame haired redheaded form of Kirche and her blue haired friend Tabitha . "Oh it's you two ..." Guiche sighed . "So what happened to make you so ...scared" kirche smirked trying to push the buttons on the blonde mage.  "Nothing  Louise's familiar just wanted to know where count Mott lives is and i helped him with the directions." Guiche said matter of factly..only for kirche to look at him with a gaping mouth before smacking him on the head . "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ??!!!" kirche all but screamed a rather uncharecteristic shout . "YOU DO KNOW WHAT HE IS CAPABLE OF RIGHT ??!!" she completed as Guiche finally realised his mistake all the whilst Tabitha was shaking her head at the foolish actions of Guiche . "We must tell Louise ....and tail him !!" Kirche said quickly making her way towards louise's hostel . "But would not it make you happy if her reputation is slandered" Guiche genuinely questioned to which kirche just turned momentarily and gave a death glare. "I might have made fun of her...but she still is a friend of mine" she mouthed out before storming away Tabitha following her..Guiche seeing his mistake did the same .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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