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I entered the airport gates and I felt the cool air coming from the air conditioners hitting my body . It relaxed me cause I was quite nervous and the hot weather outside wasn't helping .

I headed to the counters with my suitcases and I saw a woman sitting on her chair

"Hello , how can I help u ?? " she says smiling at me


Me - oh wow , nice name ! and where are you from ??

Jessica - I live in India , what about you ??

Me - I am living in France but I have Greek origins :)

Jessica -oh nice babe ! ;)


" Ehm lady , excuse me are u ok ?? I asked if there is some way to help u " the blonde woman behind the counters said in a worried expression

"aaah , oh , yes , right , I am fine , I wanna one ticket for China , Beijing " I answered her

"with or without return ?? " she asked me while she was searching something on her computer

"without return , at least for now" I told her , mumbling the last words and she lifted her eyes off her screen to look to me

" Are you going to meet someone there ? like , hmm , a boy or something ?? " she said winking at me

" kinda .." I said avoiding to look at her , why did she even care why I was traveling ?!

" Ok I see " she said quietly . " here is your ticket " she added smiling to me. Aaahhh too much friendly type of person , don't get me wrong , I am not antisocial or anything but people who are too pushy , curious and can't stop talking aren't my type and I find them really annoying .

I took the ticket , returning a fake smile to her . But I noticed a small paper under my ticket while I turned around and started walking away heading to the room where I could wait for the airplane to land and then to abroad . I took it , opened it and stopped walking to read the paper . It had a phone number and said " call me when u return ;) " . What the actual Fuck . I turned my head to look for the blonde who gave me the ticket and the letter . She was staring at me and when she understood that I was looking at her , she smiled and waved at me . Ok , that's getting very weird . I waved her back with the paper she gave me and I threw it in the bin that was next to me . She looked shocked and she frowned with my action . I just gave her a fake apologetic smile and I walked away .

sorry , I am not sorry , but I am taken from the most wonderful woman I know , I am HERS , my heart already belongs to HER , to Jessica .


I just wanna say that all these FLASHBACKS have happened in reality , oh ,and they 'll get better ;)

I 'll upload the next part when this reach 10 +

thanks for reading ,



and please pleaseeeeeeee COMMENT what u think of the story so far


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