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Lee Taeyong. The high school heartthrob. The one everyone wanted to be friends with. Because if you weren't, then you were a loser. Every girl in the school wanted him to lay them down. And he did to most. He didn't really clasify as a fuckboy if you asked him. Or maybe he was. His first two years of high school consisted of one night stands and late nights at the bar with his friends Yuta, Johnny, and Taeil dancing the night away and living high school life to the fullest.

Outside of school, Taeyong was a carefree, spoiled rich kid who got whatever he wanted and had to do nothing in return. His little brother Mark even wanted to be more like his hyung. It's not like their parents cared. But even still, he Mark didn't want to disappoint his father, Kris.

At school, Taeyong was a flirtatious, smart, witty model among the students. He could get whoever and whatever he wanted with just a bright smile and sometimes a cute wink.

At home, even with his wild soul, things weren't completely normal. He and Mark were blood brothers, both given up for adoption when they were babies. Their parents Kris and Tao Wu, were nice enough to take them in and love them as their own. Taeyong didn't mind having gay parents. He was straight and no one could change that. He loved his parents no matter what.

One thing he especially loved about his life was that his parents owned a record/dancing company, Wu Records. His father Kris was a professional rapper and composer, making big bucks selling his most famous sound tracks and albums all over the world. His other dad, Tao, was also a song writer but found his profession in Martial Arts and dancing. Taeyong enjoyed nothing more than seeing these two in action, Kris rapping while Tao doing the impossible. When Taeyong was fifteen and Mark was eleven Kris and Tao decided to build a studio in the back yard with an adjoining recording room for their sons. Every now and then Taeyong found himself immersed in the art of dancing, his music blasting through the built in speakers as his body popped and locked, twisted and flowed along the cushioned flooring of the studio. He knew Mark loved spending his time in the recording room, all the words bottled up inside him being poured out into a few amazing rap songs. Kris was delighted to see them spend time in there, his arms wrapped around his loving husband as he watched his boys rap together. What more could a parent ask for?

"Hey Tae! Wanna go out tonight? Maybe get wasted for once in your life?" Taeyong's best friend Yuta asked as he walked up to the older boys locker. Taeyong shoved his bag in and closed it.

"Nah. I'm not really a fan of getting drunk. I like being healthy so I can dance," he replied. Yuta laughed and clapped him on the back.

"Sometimes bro, you make me wonder. You've fucked so many girls we've gone to the bar a dozen times, but you've never even touched a wine glass or beer can. But I know how devoted you are to dancing so I'll give you that."

"Yeah. I also want to be somewhat of a good example to Mark. He doesn't really know about all the chicks. And I don't really want him to-" He was cut off by a girl kissing his cheek. It was Taeyeon, a really pretty girl he was meeting tomorrow night.

"Hey baby girl. What's up?" Taeyong asked her. She smiled and grabbed his hand, waving to Yuta.

"How bout we go behind the school and I show you?" she whispered in his ear. A mischievious smile played on her lips and he took the hint.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys later ok? I got to go," he told Yuta. The younger boy nodded, giving Taeyong a fist bump and walking away. Once they were alone, Taeyeon dragged Taeyong behind the school and into one of the old unused sheds, locking the rackety door behind them. Not long did her lips fall on his hungrily. Taeyong pushed her against the door cupped her breasts, giving them a light squeeze. The girl moaned, letting him slip his tongue in and explore her hot mouth. Her hands slid down his torso and rubbed his erection, causing Taeyong to moan against her mouth. She smirked and pulled away, dropping to her knees and undoing Taeyong's button and zipper, freeing his hard cock.

Taeyeon took it in her cold hands, making Taeyong gasp in pleasure when she cat licked the tip, the sweet taste of pre cum on her tongue.

Jaehyun was just pulling into his driveway, noticing a moving van in the way of the garage. He looked at it questioningly. He grabbed his bag and went inside, searching for any sings of his parents. He found them in his room.

"Why is there a moving van out front?" he asked. They both looked over at him from the boxes on his bed.

"Oh! I'm sorry we didn't mention this before, but we have to move you to a different school. Grandma and Grandpa are getting old a need someone to keep an eye on them, so we agreed for them to move here and you to live in your own apartment. We don't have enough room in the house for all of us," his mother explained. His mood dropped, but he didn't show it.

"Oh, ok. Is the apartment close to new school?" Jaehyun didn't really mind moving. He'd be abke to live by himself. It's not like he had any friends at school that he was leaving behind either. Everyone mainly stayed to themselves. And no one payed attention to him anyway. They weren't really fond of the gays.

"Of course! You'll only have to walk two miles to get there. We don't have the expenses to rent you an apartment and buy a car. You'll still be able to keep your job, which is also closer. You'd still have to ride the bus though. But that's ok right?" his father said.

Jaehyun worked at a small coffee shop that was owned by a man named Byun Baekhyun. His boyfriend, Park Chanyeol, was the co-owner. Together they built the place where they made delicious coffee and outstanding sweets and treats. Jae enjoyed cooking the yummy treats mouth watering coffee alongside Baekhyun. He was a fun energetic person to be around, and one of his only friends. Baekhyun was only five years older than Jae, so it didn't make things really awkward. There have been many times where the two conversed over coffee and cookies, talking about home life, how Jae was liking school, what he planned to do for college. He knew he could tell Baek anything. They were close enough that they could tell each other their deepest secrets and know the other boy would never speak about it with anyone else. Jae knew Baek was always there if he needed a shoulder to lean on.

"Yeah that's fine. When I'm I moving?" His dad picked up the big box and carried it to the van. He helped his mother with the other, slowly making their way to the van and stacking it with the others.

"We were thinking maybe tomorrow. And with it being Tuesday, you could move over there tomorrow and we could help you unpack and get settled and maybe get a few extra hours in at the coffee shop and start school Monday. So then you have time over the weekend to do some shopping. Will Mr. Byun allow you more hours?" his mother asked. Jaehyun nodded. Of course Baekhyun would. They could hang out a little longer at work and he could put more hours in which would result in a bigger paycheck. He was definitely up for it! Wait till Baek heard about his more recent news!

"Alright honey well we're gonna go to the store and shop for some furniture. The address is on a paper on the counter if you wanna drive over to the apartment to check it out. If you could, may you put some gas in the car? That would be great honey. We'll meet you over there," his mom said.

"Wait, what are you two gonna take?" Jaehyun asked. They laughed.

"We're taking the bus. They'll send the furniture to your apartment."

"Oh ok. And yeah I'll fill up the car. See ya later," he said. They waved as they walked down to the bus stop. Jae sighed and went inside to grab the car keys, his wallet, and the address, locking the front door and hopping back into his parent's car. This is gonna be a long week, he thought, driving off.


Sorry for not finishing the thing with Taeyong 😂 I just couldn't. I'm so used to writing gay smut that it just was weird lol. I'll try my best next chapter!



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