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It's been a week since Jaehyun's last encounter with Taeyong. A week since Taeyong has been secretly questioning himself. And a week since Jaehyun had decided to forget about Taeyong for the time being and focus on himself, wanting to keep his grades up and not disappoint Baekhyun at work. He visited his family a few times when he wasn't busy and he enjoyed it. He tried everything that he could to keep the said older boy off his mind and so far it was working. At school Jae just ignored him and brushed him off, hanging out with Sicheng.

Jaehyun was currently at work, sitting at one of the stools on his break. It was around eight thirty and his shift lasted until ten. He was exhausted, having been there since noon. Baek had clocked out hours ago, so he was left alone to fend for himself. Luckily after five the coffee shop calms down, no one really coming in much after that.

Jae quietly sipped his coffee and played on his phone until his attention was refocused on the door.

Sicheng walked inside and smiled brightly as he sat across from Jae.

"Hey! Almost done here?" he asked, resting his chin in his hands. He had a look in his eyes that made Jaehyun slightly nervous.

"Uh, yeah. I get off at ten why?"

"Well I have someone who's gonna pick you up and take you out so you can get your mind off of Taeyong completely. Can I have your keys?"

Jaehyun just stared at his friend, not understanding. "Why do you need my keys?..."

Sicheng sighed and stuck his hand out and gave him the sassiest gay diva look. "Just trust me ok? You'll really like this dude and my plan won't work if your car is here. He's picking you up anyway so hand them over," Sicheng ordered, his hand out. Jaehyun just chuckled in confusion and set his car keys in Sicheng's hand.

"Ok so I'll text him to be here around nine fifty ok? So you better clean and finish up quick." Sicheng was about to walk out when Jae stopped him.

"Wait what am I supposed to change into? I can't go anywhere in work clothes!" he said in a panic. Sicheng rolled his eyes.

"Dude, he's gonna bring you to your house first so you can do all your changing and showering and shit before y'all go out, duh." Sicheng started to strut out before Jae stopped him yet again.

"...Do I know him?" he asked.

"Yes you do actually. Apparently y'all had a thing going on at your oldest school but shit went down with his parents and y'all never talked again but now he's here and begged on his knees for my help so," Sicheng explained. Jae didn't remember anything that happened at his older school really. He didn't really want to either.

"Um, ok, well.... Thanks I guess." Sicheng winked and walked out.


Jae decided to close shop early since no one else seemed to be coming. He took off his apron and hat, feeling more comfortable in his jeans and Byun's Coffee and Pastries Shop shirt hanging loosely on his shoulders. He got what he needed from his locker and did what he needed to do in the back; sweeping, mopping, turning things off. He then went to the front and nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed a tall figure leaning against the counter.

He blushed and shoved his hands into his pockets, not meeting the taller's eyes.

"Hey Jae. It's been years," the boy, Johnny, said.

"Uh, y-yeah... I assume you're the one picking me up?" Jae asked stupidly. Johnny chuckled and came to rest his arm on the younger's shoulders, leading him out.

"Yep. I just moved to your new school and met Sicheng and we talked and I found out you were his best friend. I was stoked to find you again," the older explained.

"Hold on gotta lock up..." Jae quickly locked the door and then let Johnny lead him to his car. "So... what happened with you and Ten? I know it's been forever...."

Johnny sighed and helped Jae in the car, going to the driver's side and jumping in. "We had a fallout and he moved back to Thailand. But it's ok. I moved schools anyway. I'm not too worried."

Jaehyun just nodded and sat silently while Johnny buckled and started the vehicle.

"What's your address?" Johnny.

"Oh sorry it's 794 12th Ave W. I'm in apartment four," Jae said. Johnny grinned and started driving.

"What a coincidence that we live in the same apartment building. I'm in number eighteen."

Jae nervously chuckled and stared out the window, not knowing what to say to break the awkward silence. He just stayed silent.

"I love this," Johnny said when Jae came out of the shower dressed casually using a towel to dry his hair. Johnny was in the younger's room, admiring his pictures and decorations that brought out his personality. Jae blushed.

"Th-thanks. So, um, ready to go?"

Johnny averted his attention to the shorter, smiling big. "Yeah I'm ready when you are. I thought we would just go and watch a movie. Is that ok?"

Jaehyun just nodded shyly and went to the bathroom to finish styling his hair. Johnny leaned against the door frame with his hands in his pockets and casually watched him. Jaehyun just blushed and finished up, turning to the taller and looking up at him.

Johnny glanced down at the boy and smirked, caressing his cheek lightly before winking and walking to the front door. Jae blushed madly while he slipped his shoes on and grabbed what he needed before going out the open door Johnny held open.


Wow that was a twist even I didn't see coming 😂😂



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