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The next day Taeyong woke up with a terrible cough and a raging headache. He rolled over in his bed and groaned, looking at the clock. It was 6:30 in the morning.

There was a knock at his door.

"Come in," he called faintly. The door opened and Mark came in, giving his brother a worried look.

"Hyung, are you ok?" he asked, coming over and kneeling next to Taeyong's bed.

"I think I'm sick Markie. I feel like shit."

"That's terrible Tae. Here, let me go get the thermometer. Be right back," said Mark, dashing out of the room. Taeyong closed his eyes and threw his blankets off of him, feeling hot and stuffy.

The door opened again, this time revealing a worried looking Kris. His father came over and sat next to Taeyong and started gently running his hand through the boys hair.

"Your forehead is really hot. Do you want to stay home today? Tao and I are off. We could just hang out," he asked softly. Taeyong nodded and shifted, laying his head on his dad's lap and closing his eyes. Kris chuckled and continued to pet his sons soft hair.

"Taeyongie I got the thermometer- oh. Hey Daddy Kris," Mark announced quietly as he walked in.

"Hey Mark. Wanna stay home today and hang out with us?" Kris asked, taking the thermometer from Mark's hands and putting it under Taeyong's tongue.

"Of course! Thanks Dad," Mark exclaimed, carefully jumping onto the bed and cuddling his dad and brother. Just then they heard Tao calling for them from downstairs.

"Babe we're in Taeyong's room," Kris called back smiling. They heard Tao run up the stairs and lean into the room, seeing his favorite boys all cuddled up. The thermometer in Taeyong's mouth beeped.

"101.5," Kris said, setting the object on the nightstand. Tao gave a questioning look.

"Are the boys staying home today?" he asked. Kris waved his husband over and made room for him. Tao giggled and snuggled into Kris's side, tracing circles on his thigh.

"Yes. Taeyong is sick and I didn't want mark to feel left out so we're just gonna order take out all day and relax. We all need it," their older father answered, kissing Tao one the cheek.

"That works," Tao agreed.


Jaehyun was sitting in his homeroom with his friend Sicheng, wondering where Taeyong and Yuta were. He was getting impatient when Yuta finally walked in through the doorway, alone. He found Jae and sat next to him, giving Sicheng a shy smile.

"Hey," Yuta greeted.

"Hey. Where's Taeyong?" Jae asked. Sicheng giggled next to him.

"Oh. He's sick. He's gonna stay home with his dad's and little brother," he answered, setting his phone on the desk.

"Dad's? With and s?"

"Yeah. Tao and Kris Wu. Owners of Wu Records. They adopted him and his brother Mark when they were little."

"Huh. That's cool," Jae said, leaning back into his seat when their teacher walked in. He faintly heard Yuta's phone vibrate.

"Hey Jae, is it ok if I give Taeyong your number? He was asking for it," Yuta asked, handing his phone to the boy. Jae nodded and typed his number into the phone, hitting send. Yuta smiled and put it away, focusing toward the front if the room. Soon Jaehyun's own phone vibrated in his pocket.

Unknown number: hey it's Taeyong

Unknown number changed to Tae_Yong

Woojae: heyy I heard that ur sick

Tae_Yong: yeah it sucks

Woojae: hope you get better 💗

Tae_Yong: thanks bro 💗 (no homo)

Taeyong's straight?

Woojae: haha

Tae_Yong: anyway gtg I'm gonna go watch some movies with my family ttyl

Woojae: byee ✌

Jae put his device away and decided to hang out and talk with Sicheng and Yuta. He could tell that they had crushes on each other but didn't say anything. He didn't want their friendship to become awkward.


Finally the last bell rang, freeing Jaehyun from the hell they called school. He was tired from their danced workout and just wanted to go home to his apartment and relax.

And that's exactly what he did. When he got home he instantly went upstairs and started a warm bath, pouring bubble bath solution and undressing while it filled. He heard his phone ding from his room and grabbed it, bringing it with him to the bathroom.

Tae_Yong: hey how was school

Woojae: it was boring as always lol

Tae_Yong: haha wyd

Woojae: bout to relax in the bath hbu

Tae_Yong: recovering from whatever the hell I had this morning. my temperature went down around an hour ago

Jae turned the faucet off and set his phone down momentarily, sinking into the steaming water and sighing in comfort.

Woojae: that's good lol

Tae_Yong: yeah 😂

Jae set his phone back down and relaxed, letting the water sooth his tired muscles. He had always loved dance but it had been awhile since he's done it so his body wasn't used to it.

Tae_Yong: hey I already asked Yuta this but I was wondering... Are you gay? He wasn't sure

Woojae: yeah haha I have been all my life

Tae_Yong: alright lol

Tae_Yong: like I said I was just wondering haha

Woojae: that's fine

Tae_Yong: well I'll let you enjoy your bath I'll ttyl 👋

Woojae: kk byee 😋

Was Taeyong really just wondering?


Heyy sorry for the short ass chapter Lol. Hope you're enjoying the fic!



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