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"Hey Tae are you ok? You've been acting weird these past few days," Yuta asked his best friend at lunch. Taeyong blushed involuntarily and continued to eat.

"Yeah I'm fine why?"

Yuta gave him an odd look. "You don't look fine. You're blushing. You never blush."

Taeyong felt butterflies swarm his stomach as he blushed harder, hiding his cheeks and cursing his body for defying him. He drank some water and tried to stop blushing. But he couldn't because he looked up and saw Jaehyun walking into the cafeteria with his friend Sicheng. He had his adorable dimple smile  on display, making Taeyong's heart fluttered. He shook off the weird feelings and focused on Yuta.

"I-I'm not blushing it's just.... it's just hot in here. Yeah. I'm gonna go to the bathroom ok? Be right back," Taeyong stammered quickly, leaving his stuff and scurrying out of the room. He sprinted into the bathroom and hid himself in a stall, leaning up against the door and catching his breath. He looked down at the floor, his annoying erection catching his eye. He groaned and lay his head back on the door, staring up at the ceiling and wishing he could change the past.

He listened to make sure no one else was in the room and unbuckled his pants, sliding them and his boxers down far enough so his erection slapped again his stomach. Images started flashing through his mind of that night, feeling precum leak from the tip. He quickly took care of his annoyance, jerking off to thoughts of Jae. His body and mind just loved to betray him. He hated it.

He moaned as quiet as he could as he came, taking a few breaths and using some toilet paper to clean up and fixed his clothes, redoing the button and zipper on his pants. He came out of the stall and washed his hands, splashing cold water on his face and looking at himself in the mirror. His thoughts were all over the place. He dried his hands and face and left the bathroom, running into the one person he didn't want to see at all.

Taeyong nervously looked up at Jaehyun and couldn't stop the images that ram through his head.

"S-sorry," he mumbled, going around the younger and hurrying away.

"Wait Taeyong!" Jaehyun called. Taeyong just continued to walk away, pretending not to hear him.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Yuta asked when Taeyong sat back down.

"Yes Yuta I'm fine. Drop it," he replied, nibbling on his food.

"Ok ok," Yuta said, dropping the subject.

Later that day at home Taeyong sat in the living room watching TV with his parents while Mark was out with his friends. Taeyong barely paid attention to what they were watching, lost in though. Tao noticed and went to sit next to his oldest son.

"What's wrong bud?" he asked, startling the boy. Taeyong was jolted from his thoughts and into the present time, glancing around.

"N-nothing just thinking," he replied, blushing for no reason. He kept his eyes focused on his hands that rested in his lap. Tao gave Kris a side glance.

"Is there anything you wanna talk about?"

Taeyong fiddled with his fingers. "... How did you two find out you were gay?" he asked, trying not to be obvious. Tao grinned and got comfortable on the couch, putting and arm around the boy's shoulder and cuddling him.

"Well, I found out in middle school. I don't know at one point I liked girls and thought they were hot and amazing but then I got dared to kiss a guy and since then I never thought of women the same way again. Then I met this dork and fell in love with him instantly, knowing that I was gay and could never go back," Tao explained, causing Kris to brush and smirk.

"Tae I wasn't gay until Tao came in my life to be honest. He just had this... I don't know how to explain it but I sure went gay fast after meeting him," Kris said, gazing lovingly into his husband's eyes. Taeyong glanced at them and looked back down, thinking.

"What's on your mind Tae?" Kris asked softly. Taeyong looked at him and shook his head.

"N-nothing I was just wondering. Um, I'm gonna go dance," Taeyong answered in a slight panic, jumping up and rushing out to the studio. Tao and Kris glanced at each other.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Tao asked, watching as Kris came over and sat next to him, pulling him onto his lap.

"I think so. I think our son is conflicted," Kris said, running his hands along Tao's thighs.

"Me too. I hope the guy making him feel this way is a good guy," Tao responded. Kris nodded and pulled his husband into a kiss.

Taeyong lay on the cushioned floor of the dance studio and caught his breath, his intense workout tiring him out. He was sweaty and exhausted, his mind still running. He groaned and got up, going into the shower room and washing up. He took his extra pair of swim shorts he kept in the closet and put them on, deciding to go chill in the hot tub. He grabbed his phone and connected it to the bluetooth speakers, turning on his playlist and relaxing in the warn water. His thoughts finally stopped, filling relaxing and closing his eyes.


Hope you enjoyed!



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