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It was the day. Taeyong was going to bring Jae home to meet his parents. He should've done this week's ago, but he was nervous. He didn't know how they would react. He already knew they wouldn't be mad, obviously. He was just nervous in general. Parents loved to embarrass their kids in front of their significant others.

Currently they were cuddling in bed after a very extensive night. Taeyong was sore and just wanted to be in bed all day, but he promised Tao and Kris that he would bring Jae home.

Jae was still asleep, his arms around Taeyong protectively. The older had his head on Jae's chest and his right arm and leg sprawled on top of the younger's still naked body. His traced his fingers along Jae's hard abs, wanting him to wake up.

Taeyong thoughts about all the things he and Jae have done since they've gotten together, not believing he had ended up here. Thankfully no one thought differently of him since he went gay. Other than some of the girls he's fucked, but that was it. Thinking of them and what he did with them just disgusted him. He couldn't possibly ever go back. He loved Jae way too much. Really loved him. He could never- would never- let him go.

"Morning baby," Jae whispered, startling the older. Taeyong grinned and sat up, watching as Jae yawned and stretched. His eyes fluttered open, meeting Taeyong's. The older giggled as Jae pulled him down into a sweet kiss.

"Did you sleep well?" Jae asked. Taeyong cuddled back into the younger's side.

"Yeah. Just woke up too early. Especially after last night," Taeyong responded. Jae chuckled, leaning up on one elbow and looking down at his boyfriend.

"Are you sore?" he asked.

Taeyong nodded and mindlessly blushed. Jae smirked and leaned down to kiss Tae again, the older pulling him between his spread legs. Jae instantly took over, their kiss becoming more heated as Taeyong pulled and tugged at Jae's hair. The older's hips grinded against the younger's, causing Tae to moan.

"J-Jae- ahh," Taeyong moaned between kisses.

"Yes baby?" Jae went to suck on Tae's neck, his crotch constantly rubbing and pushing against the older's hardening dick.

"W-we shouldn't be doing this before we go to my house-" he said in a strained voice, feeling Jae's fingers slide down his stomach and rub his erection, the precum getting them wet.

"You're just so irresistible baby~" Jae cooed, slipping two fingers down past Tae's nuts and rubbing them on his entrance. That was it for Taeyong. He completely gave in, spreading his kegs wider and letting Jae push those deliciously amazing fingers inside him and work him just right.

When they finished and cleaned up they finally headed out, Jae in the driver's seat while Taeyong relaxed in the passenger. Jae grabbed the older's hand and rubbed it lovingly while he drove. Music played in the background soft and quiet, nearly lulling and exhausted Taeyong to sleep.

"Tae, baby, wake up. We're here," Jae said softly, gently shaking the boy awake. Taeyong opened his eyes and yawned. He saw a grin on Jae's face and smiled back.

"Well, here we go I guess." He got out and stretched, going to Jae and linking hands with him before going to the front door and walking in. He kept his limp as unnoticeable ad he could as he called out to his parents.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"

He waited for a moment, hearing sounds in the living room and hearing Kris call back. He led Jae to them, becoming nervous and shaky.

"One of these days I'll get him to stop calling me mom," Tao said jokingly to his husband as Taeyong walked in. It took the two a moment to see Jae, and when they did huge smiles engulfed their faces. They both stood.

"Taeyong who's this?" Kris asked.

"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Jaehyun," the boy introduced. Jae smiled and stuck his hand out. Tao used the opportunity to pull the boy into his chest, giving him a loving hug. Taeyong let out the breath he was nervously holding back. Tao let Jae go and he went right into Kris's arms.

"It's nice to meet you Jaehyun. You've been good to our son and we thank you for that," Kris said, letting him go.

"You're welcome. Nice to meet you too. Tao and Kris right?" Jae responded.

"Yes. And you can call us that. Makes life easy," Kris joked. Jae chuckled with them.

"We're gonna go up to my room if that's ok," Taeyong asked, slipping his hand in Jae's.

"Yeah sure. Mark is up there with Donghyuck just to let you know," Tai said. He sat back down along with Kris.

"Will those two ever get together?" Taeyong joked, leading Jae upstairs and into his room where he shut the door.

"Well that was stressful," Taeyong muttered. Jae laughed and pulled his boyfriend to the bed, sitting down and pulling him onto his lap.

"It's alright. I like your parents."

Taeyong giggled and kissed Jae, his need for the boy suddenly coming back in a flash.

"C-can we go back to your apartment?" Taeyong gasped, covering his growing erection with his shirt.

Jae chuckled and kissed Tae again. "Why are you so horny today baby?" he asked jokingly. Taeyong just whined and pouted.


There you go y'all a bonus chapter everyone was probably waiting for 😂 hope you enjoyed!



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