Chapter Ten: Introverts and Extroverts

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Three days before Christmas, five of my coworkers agree to come over to my house for a little  make-up Christmas party. It's less than half as many as there were supposed to be at the original party that was cancelled due to the snow storm, but the five that show up today (Tom, Tabitha, Anthony, Ian, and Eliza) have enough Christmas spirit to make this party seem ten times more exciting.

Dan helps me clean up the house while we have a long conversation about how to socially interact with other humans.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," says Dan, referring to his agreement that he wouldn't hide in the basement during the party and would make an attempt to say a few words to the people who would be there.

"You're doing it for me, and I really appreciate it. Remember that."

"What am I even supposed to talk about? My entirely made-up life story about my career as a traveling real estate agent and the fact that I actually went to university, with you? What if they ask questions?"

"You're overthinking things. They're not coming to interrogate you. If they do ask questions, just make things up on the spot. Or here's a crazy idea: you could just tell the truth about yourself for once in your life."

"That is a crazy idea."

"Fine. Here's another idea. How about you be the one asking all the questions? Ask so many questions that they never even get the chance to ask you anything. Most people love talking about themselves. Especially extroverts. And let me tell you, these are some of the most extroverted people I know."

"Great... I love extroverts..." Dan mumbles sarcastically.

Just as Dan finishes his sardonic comment, the doorbell rings. I walk over and open the door to find that Tom is the first to arrive.

"Phil! Nice to see you on a weekend, mate."

"Nice to see you as well, Tom. Come on in."

As he steps in, he looks around the decked out living room and smiles. "Damn, your house is looking great. And... oh, you must be Derek! Nice to meet you; Phil told me he had a guest."

Dan, gulping nervously but seeming relieved to hear that I hadn't given away his real name, walks over to shake Tom's hand. "Hello, Tom," he says politely. "It's nice to meet you too."

"Great! Well, where is everybody? Am I early?"

"No, everyone else is just late," I chuckle, just as Tabitha and Eliza show up together at the door.

"Phiiiil!" Tabitha exclaims enthusiastically, pulling Eliza into the living room with her. "Hey, we're not that late. Pregame took a bit longer than we expected..."

"Pregame? Are you serious?" I inquire incredulously. "Tab, this is a Christmas celebration, not a frat party!"

"Relax, she's kidding," Eliza giggled in response. "But we did bring the cocktail mixers."

I smile, rolling my eyes jokingly and then looking over at Dan, who already seems to be slightly overwhelmed.

"You gonna introduce us to your friend, Phil?" Tabitha asks, eyeing Dan and grinning widely.

"Right, this is Derek. Derek, meet Tabitha and Eliza."

While Eliza simply waves politely, Tabitha sidles up next to Dan and reaches out to shake his hand. "Hey, Derek, how's it going?"

"Err... great. Having a wonderful time at Phil's place. I think you're in for a fun night."

"What a cute jumper! Is that Phil's? I've seen him wear it before. So cute."

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