Chapeter 1

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It's been over a thousand years since last of the human race left earth in search to find a new planet to go home. Since then we have found a new planet that can sustain life. They were able to find one within 100 years it was in a Goldilocks system. The day they found this world they had a huge celebration and on that day every year we have a huge feast and a party to celebrate the survival of the human race. And every year it was amazing but this year everything changed this year might be the end of human race.

My name is Chloe I'm 15 years old and I have brown hair, green eyes I have your other brother named John he is nine years old, and today's the day of the world finding celebration. There will be fireworks music and dancing and lots of games to be played. Everyone looks  forward to it every year, this year more so than ever this year is a celebration of a thousand years of that we've been here on this planet. My best friend Rayna were planning on going together we are going to be wearing a red and black dresses her in red and me a black dress is released on the top so it soak for the skirt, and we do good in them they had V neck line tops and skirts were down to our knees we were planning on wearing them with high top high heels.
" we look amazing" Rayna said to me as she twirls around her dress " all the boys are going to be looking at us tonight" " True but there is only one guy am interested in" I side like he even knows I exist I'm invisible to him. "Are you still crushing over James?'' Rayna said to me in a mocking tone. James is a boy in my class, he was tall, with blond hair, blue eyes, he has a chiseled jaw and a kind voice, he was a straight A student and all the teachers loved him. And I have the biggest crush on him for years. And this is the year I'm going to talk to him.
"Your going to chicken out" Rayna's voice snapped me out of my day dream. " I will not" I said back. " yea you will, you always do the same thing every year, you say that your going to talk to him but you always chicken out" she said as she was putting on her make up. " no, I will talk to him. I made up my mind and I'm going to do it" I say as I sit down next to her and start to put on my makeup. I'm not much of a makeup girl, I don't like to stand out that's Rayna's thing. I tend to hind in the background, but tonight is different tonight I want to stand out, I want to turn heads. Mainly James head, maybe even share a dance with him. But deep in my mind I know that it won't happen. People like him don't go out with people like me hiding in the background, but tonight is different, anything can happen!

We finished getting ready and grabbed our handbags as we go to leave my mom stops us." Don't forget your medallions you know that they are there to protect you" my mom said as she held out our medallions, I let out a grown " mom no one wears those anymore" The medallion we're supposedly  A gift from our ancestors the ones that came here first they said that they were a beast here and that they attacked them until they found the medallions there are two different types one you get from birth and the other when you're 18 the one you got is the baby isn't shape of a Square and then when you when you get when you're 18 is a circle no one knows what they do anymore.
"So if all your fends killed them self's you would to" my mom askes " no mom I'm not going to be killing myself" I say as I grab my medallion and put it under the neck of my dress to make her happy. Then I kiss my mother goodbye and tell here I'll see her there and left out the front doors heading to the town square.

When we go there the town square was all covers in lights, and all around us music was playing and people were all tuning around from game to game. The children were laughing and playing while the parents watched and talked among themselves.

Rayna and I caught up to our friends. They were waiting by the balloon pop game. Dave, the oldest in our group, was playing the game and won a teddy bear and handed it to me with a shy smile, he has always had a crush on me for years. Even though I told him that he was more like a brother to me but I excepted it anyways.
"What toke you so long" Dave asked shyly. "My mom went on a rant about the medallions" I said as I pulled out my medallion. I still fiddle with it when I'm nervous.
"Your fiddling again" Rayna whispers to me. I always got nervous when I'm out especially when I'm out with my friends even more so when Dave is here because I know that he's been planning on asking me out soon. He's been trying to get me alone so he can ask me but I always find a reason not to be alone with him.
"No duh," I whispered back "Dave is here, you said that he wasn't coming" " I thought he wasn't, he said he wasn't" " well obviously he did" I said while rolling my eyes "as long as you stay with me the hole night so he can't ask me out" " ok I promise"
As all of this was happening, somewhere underneath us something was starting to wake up. And this thing wasn't friendly.

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