Chapter 3

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A little while later James walked me home. I was still shaken up about what just happened. When we got to my house James grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Are you ok? You haven't said a word the hole walk" James asked in a concerned voice

That's when I started to burst in to tears. James pulled me in to his arms and hugged me tight. I whipped the tears from my eyes.

"I think I'll be ok" I said
"Are you sure"

Nodded my head but I didn't let go of him and he didn't let go of me. He smelled good like wood smoke and allspice.

"Hey, if I remember correctly we were in the middle of something" he's said trying to sound smooth.

I giggled a little and blushed. He lifted up my chin so I was staring in to his perfect blue eyes, oh those eyes, they were capable making g me melt in to a puddle. I could feel my cheeks warming as I blushed. Then he started to lean in, he closed his eyes we were nose to nose then his lips touch mine. His lips were soft, warm and inviting. A warm tingle went through my body, as he moved his hands to the small of my back. I could feel my body relaxing at his touch. And for that moment nothing else matter. All that mattered was us in this moment.
After James had left I went up to my bedroom. I looked out my window and saw it was beginning to rain. I opened my window and stuck my face out and felt the cooling water as they splashed on my face. But as soon as I closed my eyes all I could see was Dave's dead twisted face. I dropped to my floor and cried some more.

A few minutes later I stoped crying and got up on to my feet. I started to get ready for my shower, I put my medallion with my clothes in my closet and went for my shower. When I was done I saw that there was a message on my phone.

Hey, you still up - James

I smiled as I read the text. I started thinking of our kiss and blushed.

Ya I'm still up. What's up

Nothing much, just thinking what about you?

Same just about to go to bed. What thinking about??

His answer mad me smile for ear to ear.

Just thinking about our kiss 😘


Ya, but it's getting late, I'll let
You go to bed, goodnight  Chole

Goodnight James
Now I don't remember falling asleep but I do remember waking up to a what I thought was thunder. It was still dark out. I looked out my window and saw that it had stopped raining so the sounds count have been thunder. I looked around my room and my eyes landed on a light coming from my closet. I don't remember a light when I went to bed. I got out of my bed slowly and crept slowly across the room to my closet. The closer I got the brighter the light seem to get. I got to my closet and saw the door was open a little. I looked in the crack to see what it was. I could see anything though, so I pulled open the door slowly. And when I at the bottom of my closet I saw that my medallion was glowing. I was thinking to my self that was weird when a loud crash came from down stairs. Shortly it was followed by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. I quickly got up from a crouching position, still holding my medallion. I quickly got in to my closet and closed the door as the steps stoped right in front of the door to my room. I couldn't see clearly what it was but I could tell it wasn't human. It was tall with long arms and knife like hands. That's when the medallion stop glowing but it didn't look like my medallion anymore it looked more like a ring. I felt like I had to put it on like that it will keep me safe so I slipped it on to me finger. When it was on I felt powerful, a warm tingly feeling washed over me. I stood up and opened the door then what happened next felt like I wasn't in control of my body as I watched myself rase my arms and these beams of light shot out of the ground and in to what ever was in my hall way. I turned to look in the mirror, and my eyes were glowing like they were full of light.

That's when everything went black.

I woke up to my mother on her knees beside me.

"What happened" I asked my head feeling fuzzy.

" first tell me what happened" mom said with a serious face. So I told her everything that happened when I woke up.

"..... then I looked in to the mirror and blacked out.  Do you know what it means"

At first she didn't answer. She was thinking. I could tell from the look on her face.

"Get your stuff, pack a bag and be ready to go in an hour" she said

"What are you talking about? Where are we going"

" I'll tell you on the way nor go get your stuff"

I ran back upstairs and started to pack. I grabbed the biggest bag I have and put everything I needed in to it. Shirts, paints, underwear, sweaters and bathroom stuff. In my mind I was trying to figure out what was goi g on and where were going. Far as I knew we didn't have any other family. I grabbed my bathing sute. You never know when you'll come across a swimming pool. As I'm getting everything ready my phone rings. It's a message from James, he asked me if anything weird happened last night. I asked him to explain and he told me everything that happened. His story sounded a lot like mine so I went down stairs and told mom she told me to tell him and my brother so start packing and to tell James we would be over to pick him up in an hour.

"Ok enough is enough what's going on, where are we going" I demanded

"We are going to your uncles it time you knew" she said

"Knew what?" I asked

"Chloe we are the the first humans to come here"

Hey guys sorry that chapter 3 was so late. I will be trying to get the new chapters posted on Fridays. Hope you like this chapter!!!!

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