Chapter 4

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"We're the original first"

We have been on the road for hours but I still couldn't wrap my head around it. Mom tried her best to explain what was going on. She said we were what other people call "Pure Bloods". And that we had special powers. I looked behind me to see that John was fast asleep and that James was trying not to freak out. He looked up and gave me a faint smile before going back to staring out the car window. We were driving past a Field of growing wheat. It was blowing in the wind it was almost shimmering gold in the sunshine. Between each field there was lines of trees. Each one had fruit growing from the green branches. From what I can tell there were apples and oranges. No one said anything. Then it started to get dark. I was sure that mom was going to stop to rest but she kept going. Soon the sun was setting and the stars started to shine. One by one they popped out of the darkening sky. The car was quite even John wasn't talking. I looked over and it seemed like mom was stressed about something. I turned and looked out my window twirling my new ring that was actually my medallion, it seems the be in this state permanently. I looked behind me and saw that James had passed out. On his hand his medallion has changed in to a ring as well. Before we picked him up I told mom that his medallion had changed to a ring as well and showed her the picture he had sent me. My mom had explained the because his medallion had to change to a ring that was exactly like mine it meant that we were destined to be together.

When she had told me that I couldn't help but smile. To think that we were destined to be together I could feel my cheeks getting red again. I could fell it starting to show. I looked over at my mother face the look of slight fear crossed her face.

"We will have to run from here" my mom said " I'll carry John, you and James grab the bags, but no mater what you keep running got it?"

She looked from me to James. We both nodded. Little John was still asleep unaware of what was going on around him. We got out of the car, me and James grabbed the four duffle bags while mom grabbed John. And we began to run. As we ran until we got to the dock but there were no boats.

"Chole, hold your brother" mom said as she hand John to me and walked up to the edge of the dock, she crouches down and touches the water, she says something I couldn't hear and the water light up with a blue green light.

Before I could say anything the water started to bubble and before my very eyes a boat came out from under the water. Mom takes John back from me and gets on the boat. James gets on next, he puts his stuff he was caring down and puts a hand out, I grab his hand and climes in. I sat down next to him still holding his hand. The boat seemed to move silently in the water till I looked over the edge and saw it was floating above the water.

"How is this possible?" James said the look of awe and wonder on his face.

"You seen the monsters, you seen your medallion change and you had pillars of light shoot out from the ground but you still question how it's possible that the boat is floating" mom had said to him with a little laugh.

I turned to see James blushing with a timid smile. I couldn't help but think how cute he is.

We were on that boat all night long. We finally got there around dawn. I could hardly believe my eyes. There standing at the other side of the dock was a huge victorian style mansion. The windows were lit with the light of a fire. There was no one at the dock when I first looked but when I looked back there was a man standing at the edge of the dock.

A few minutes later he was helping us dock, as soon as my mother got out of the boat he gave here a hug. Leaving me more confused then before.

"Hello auntie. How are you." The man has to say
"Whoa, wait a minute, auntie? Mom what's going on?" I said
"Chole this is your cousin Phill, he has powers to" my explained
" what's his power" I asked

Then before my eyes he disappeared.

"Invisibility" Phill has said as he reappeared beside me.

James walked up beside me and grabbed my hand. I looked over at James as I saw the look of jealousy. I giggled.

"James, meat my cousin Phill , he's just like us"
The look of jealousy melted from his face. I couldn't help but think how cute he looked when he jealous. We started to walk to the house. But there was this big shimmering bubble five feet around the house. We all walked through with out a problem but I remember looking at James and he seemed a little nervous when we had walked through the bubble almost like he didn't want to go though it. I decided not to worried about it.

"The bubble is like a force field and a clocking device, it protects us and hides us grime the beast. And also hides us from anyone that might want to harm us, or people that think we play God. The house could only been seen by those with powers like ours. To anyone else would be invisible." Phill explains to us.

"Well that makes sense" I say as I think it through.

It all began to make sense to me but I didn't have any warning for what happened next..

Sorry for the late post and I want to thank Cromwell_Alice for helping me with most of the character!! And if you want to make suggestions for characters please message me!!! Thank you for reading!!!

- Elisabeth

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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