Chapter 2

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The celebration was so much fun. We played all the games and now Rayna, Dave and I were all in the abandoned parking lot, sitting, and talking about our futures. I was fiddling with my medallion again, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I jumped and turned around to see who it was and standing there with a shy face was James still looking amazing as ever. "Hi" he said "my so called friends ditched me, and I saw you up here and was wondering if I can hang with you" I couldn't form words so I just nodded my head. As he went to sit down his medallion fell out from under his shirt, I didn't know he believed in the power of the medallion. I watched as he quietly put it away under his shirt before looking up to see if anyone saw, his eyes landed on my medallion that's I was still fiddling with, his eyes lit up.

" I didn't know you wore the medallion" he said to me. " my mom makes sure I don't leave the house with out it, but ya I guess do" I said nevervisly blushing as I do, he's smile gets brighter and by the looks of it he is blushing to.

Just after that it happened.

Dave sat up straight " did you guys hear that?" We all went quiet. We heard this light scraping sound. We all looked around to to figure out were the souls was coming from, but by this time it was getting to dark to see anything around us other then where the fire we made a short time ago lighting around us. "Hello, is anyone there?" We all jumped when Dave yelled that in to the dark. But the noise stoped " we should go see what that was" Rayna whisperer " me and Dave will go left, you and James go right" she whispers again then her and Dave went to the left, leaving me and James by the fire. Then he got up and gave me his hand to get up, I put my hand in his and got up, his hand was warm and soft. Then once I was up I went to let go of his hand but his grip got a little tighter. " I'm a little scared, you don't mind do you" he said his voice shacking. I nodded my head to say that it was ok.

After a while, I tripped.

Good job klutz. I thaught to myself. I looked up to see James smiling as he's reaches down to help me up yet again. As he helps me up I trip again this time in to his arms. We were nose to nose and looking in to each other's eyes.

" have you had those gold flicked in your eyes?" James asked

I blushed as he leans closer in, I can feel my hear racing, he was about to kiss me when we both heard a blood curdling scream coming from the far side of the parking garage. We ran over to see what happened to find Rayna standing there covered in blood.

"Oh my god. Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked almost in a panic

She couldn't speak, the look of horror on her face. All she could do was point. I looked to see where she was pointing to see the twisted lifeless body of Dave. There was blood everywhere. James pulled me close. I crude in to his shoulder. Rayna dropped to her knees in a pool of Dave's blood. I didn't want to look at his face but I forced myself anyway, his eyes were wide and wild with the look of fear, mouth twisted in to a frozen scream. I kept going down it looked like something had sliced though his body, his wounds were still gushing blood.

" what happened" James asked. Rayna snapped out of her trance.

"We split up, to cover more ground, we said we would whistle to check in, so after a while I whistled and I didn't hear back. But I did hear that sound again it was like knifes slicing though the air. I was worried so I went looking for him and...... and ..... and I found his body. I could help but scream." There were tears falling from here face. She would never admit this but she liked Dave and no she would never get the chance to be with him. She tried to whip her tears before I could see them. But a saw them. I went over to her and hugged her.
"What should we do?" James asked I could hear the shake in his voice.

Before I could answer we heard the scraping sound on the cement. Closer then before. The sound scared us down to the bone. We looked wide eyed to each other. The sound got closes and louder. I shocked with fear so much so that I couldn't breathe. The 3 of us exchanged looks out of fear and ran back the way we had came. We could hear wheat ever it was chasing us and gaining on us. I felt as if my heart would explode out of my chest out of fear. I was starting to fall behind.

I tripped again.

James happen to looked back and stoped. He rain to me and helped me up held my hand as we began to run again back out. We ran out of the parking garage, gasping for air. James was making sure I was ok when we had stoped running. He hugged me tight. I hugged him back. I was still shaking with fear, I was scared. Scared that I was going to die.

"What the hell was that?" James said when he had caught his breath. "That must have been the person that killed Dave" I said

" no, it wasn't a someone it was a something" Rayna said. " and I fear there will be more coming"

Little did we know she was right.

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