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THE THREE SISTERS ALONG WITH HARRY WALKED DOWN THE CORRIDOR SHAKILY. When Cedric caught sight of a tearful Esme, he embraced her. Esme silently cried into his shoulder.

Viktor looked concerned for Lorna and stepped towards her. Lorna sunk into a chair with a confused and shocked look. Rebecca was comforted by Fluer. "Did they want us to come back up?" Fluer asked.

"No...we got picked." Rebecca said solemnly and glanced at her sisters who were taking it harder than she was. Harry stood by the fire.

Dumbledore stormed down the corridor. "Harry, Lorna, Esme, Rebecca, did you put your names in the Goblet of Fire?"

"No." All four answered.

"Did you ask an older student to for you?" All four answered no.

"But of course they are lying." Karkaroff sneered. Lorna rolled her eyes and sat back in the chair. Viktor stood beside her. Esme sank onto the couch with Cedric, Fluer, and Rebecca attempting to comfort her. Harry had been surrounded by Moody and McGonagall.

"The Goblet of Fire is an extremely magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm could have fooled it." Moody said.

Lorna scoffed at the arguments that followed. The teachers dismissed the teenagers who were dealing with the choosings in various degrees of stress or happiness.

Esme and Cedric hugged and he kissed her head comfortingly. Cedric flashed a charming smile. "So he's pretty and charming." Esme said smiling. Cedric laughed and hugged her one last time and departed.

"Lorna, I hope you're alright." Viktor said.

"I'm fine. Honestly, I'm just shocked, but I'll be alright." Lorna nodded. Viktor smiled and hugged her before leaving.

"Rebecca, Lorna, let's go." Esme sighed. The three sisters and Fluer made their way to the carriage where all four had peaceful sleep.

Rita Skeeter was here on interview the seven Champions. Lorna left her hair green much to Esme's disapproval. "I'm Rita Skeeter. I write for the Daily Prophet." She shook each person's hand. "I'm here to find out the real you. What lies beneath these rosy cheeks? What lies behind that unnatural hair?"

"Actually, it is natural." Lorna cut her off.

"What quirks lie behind those muscles? What lies beneath the scar? What hides behind the curls? What hides behind those eyes? What hides beneath your abilities?" She centered the last question at Rebecca. Lorna gritted her teeth. "Who would like to go first?" Noone answered her question. "Let's start with the youngest." She grabbed Harry and dragged him to a broom cupboard.

"Poor child." Lorna sighed. "Is it just me or did anyone else want to kill her?" Esme sniggered as Rebecca shrugged.

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