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   The morning after everything transpired I went to work as usual. I took my usual phone call at a quarter to seven and I went as far as workin nonstop so I could get outta work earlier if possible. I couldn’t stand to look at Ricky on a daily basis with his pale skin and his smug grin. I would snatch up my things and leave five minutes before everyone else. I would then rush home and start dinner and wait for Rain. Rain has been coming home later and later and I don’t even question him anymore. I simply stay up sometimes and wait on home to come. Sometimes its two or maybe three in the mornin when he arrives. I normally meet him at the door and just stare into his eyes. Sometimes it’s out of disappointment but others it’s out of curiosity.

   I’ve noticed that over the past few weeks that he’s been hanging with Gemini a lot. Now Rain and Gemini has never been close but now their bosom fuckin buddies. I just don’t understand it. I do commend Rain on finding a job. He leaves every morning about eight and sometimes he’s not home when I get here. Sometimes he calls me from his cell to tell me he’s either gonna be late or hanging out with that damn Gemini. Well, one nite I get a call from my special friend and I’m already pissed and beyond horny when I hear “Hey Beautiful,” I simply sigh.

“You miss me,” I moan “Yes,” there was moanin in returned as I heard “Damn. I wanna taste you,” I moaned and was like “Oh really,” yet another moan “Yes baby, when can I taste you,” I slid my hand between my flesh and my pantie line and found my clit.  I began to stroke my clit slowly “Damn, I wanna know what your lips feel like,” I heard my friend moan in my ear and then “Tell me more,” I closed my eyes on the world and began to speak:

I’m dying to feel your lips on my clit. (Umm,)

I wanna know what it’s like to have you taste me.

(I wanna taste you,) 

Damn my pussy is drippin from the hardcore fantasy I’m having about you. (Mmm,)

Damn, I’m so wet it’s crazy."

(How wet,)

Mmm, real wet baby. Sloshing wet. Rain puddles in the spring time.


Yes, I’m stroking my clit for you. The faster I stroke my clit the wetter I become.

(I like the sound of that)

Yes, I’m pinchin my nipples as my hips wind to your tongue strokes.

(Yes baby)

Keep your tongue right there don’t move it. (Panting)

Don’t move your tongue.


Oh baby, please make me cum for you

(Cum for me)


(Cum for me)


(Cum for me)

Right there,


Right there,

(Yes baby,)


(Oh yes, cum for me)

I’m Cummin, Oh Shiit.

(Yes baby, cum for me)

Whoo Shiit,


Damn baby why do you do me like this, (Laughter)

Nothings’ funny

(More laughter)

Yea okay, keep laughing

(Baby don’t be mad)

I simply smiled and opened my eyes and standing before me was Rain.

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