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I snatched the sheet from table nearby and approached Gemini. "Gemini, please talk to me," I slapped his face lightly "Gemini, please say something," Gemini slowly came around and when his eyes sprang open he looked at me and "Get away from me, I fuckin hate you," I tried pulling him close when he stood and looked at Kennedy "How could you fuckin do this to me," Kennedy sat there in the chair I once tied her to with a smug grin on her face smokin a cigarette. She looked at Gemini and asked "Do what Gemini, didn't you get what you wanted," now it was my turn to be confused. "Wait, what...?" before I knew it Chele asked "Okay what the fuck is going on and why in the fuck is Gemini here," I shook my head and said "Okay somebody better start talkin," Gemini began to cry.

He then turned to me all flamboyant and said "Kennedy and I were best friends and at one time were lovers," I turned to Kennedy and asked "You knew," Gemini said "That ain't all," Kennedy looked at Gemini and said "Don't you fuckin dare," Gemini then screamed "Don't I, fuckin dare, fuckin what, you bitch, this is all your fault," I looked around that room at all the many people I had done hurt and I felt like shit. Kennedy went to speak when Chele asked "Can somebody please fill me in on what's going on," Gemini looked at her and said "Your so damn stupid, I told Rain that you were a waste of his time," Chele went to speak when he said "Shut up," I went to defend Chele when Gemini said "Pay attention: For the past few weeks I've been fuckin Rain. I had no idea that I was gonna fall in love with the nigga but I did. This bitch over here," he said pointing at Kennedy. "This bitch was my best friend until just ten minutes ago," Kennedy went to speak "No bitch shut up, people want answer's so I'm giving them answers," he then turned to me and said "You wanna know something Rain. I bet you didn't know this. Your beloved Kennedy used to be my lover Kenny," Chele ran across the floor and threw up in the wash basin in the corner.

I started across the floor towards Kennedy and Gemini stopped me. "I'm not done Rain, I turned when he said "As far as I know Chele has been having phone sex with Kennedy for just as long as we've been fuckin," Chele went to say something when I threw my hands up and turned to walk away. I couldn't take this shit no more. Chele ran behind me to stop me from leaving but I needed to clear my head. Before I could get the door open I simply heard Gemini call my name. I turned to look at him when he simply just bowed his head and walked away.

Man, I jumped in my car and rode for hours to clear my head. Sooner rather than later I had to face the music. I was indeed bi-sexual. Me and Michele never got married it was way too many secrets so we parted ways. As far as Gemini and I we talked from time to time but it's strictly platonic. Do I miss him, every day but we both know it will never be the same. Now Kennedy, she still works down at the sex shop, she calls every blue moon to check on me. Me personally, I know for damn sure she still down there tricking niggah's and shit. Oh well, I'm happy, that's all that matters ain't it. Well, I'm outta here I gotta get to work. See y'all on the flip side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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