Chapter 0: The Fuck's a Hero?

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UAC Facilities : (y/n)'s PoV

You've won - it's over. You stopped the invasion and closed the portal. But it came with a price - Argent, VEGA . This entire operation. You see, I've watched you work; come to understand your motivation. You think the only way is to kill them all - leave nothing behind - ; but we can't just shut it all down. - said Hayden while trapping me in some containment box

- Oh really Tin man? Somehow I find that hard to believe. - I replied, while trying to break free.

Without Argent Energy it will be worse. I don't expect you to agree. - Hayden took the Crucible - But with this we can continue our work. I am not the villain in this story. I do what I do because there is no choice. Our time is up. - . Until we see each other again.

- Oh you will pray, that we won't, cause when that happens, I'll bust your skull open. YOU PIECE OF SHI.. I didn't managed to finish, because light engulfed me.

Then it was darkness.

USJ Facility Izuku's P.O.V

- Oh man, this is bad. - I muttered as All Might was fighting against those bird brain monster. - Nothing seems to phase that thing. 

When Nomu went for the punch suddenly something fell on him. Or someone, doing a big crater in progress.

In the center of that crater, there stood a 6 ft tall guy in a green armour.

Then I thought something that was pretty much on everyone's mind

"Who is he? Hero or Villain?"

(Y/n)'s P.o.V

Well..... That was a rough ride, to say the least. I looked down to see what I landed on to realise I was knee- deep into someone's dying corpse. Meh, Shit happens.  

- Why are you standing there like a bunch of sissies? Kill him - Some dude covered in hands yelled to his lackeys, for the lack of better word. 

Welp, they can try.

I've summoned a chainsaw while running towards the enemies.

All Might's P.o.V

I don't know if his appearance was a blessing or a curse, but he can bid us time to evacuate the injured.

- Young Midorya, We need to get them to safety. - I grabbed Eraserhead and I dashed to the exit.

- All Might, but what about the villains? - Izuku asked

- After the performance the Armor man has put on... - I said while running to the exit. - They should do wisly and run away.

(y/n)'s P.o.V

- There's no human language in the world that can describe my dissapointment right now. - I said standing in the pile of corpses.

The rest started to run away through some portal. Cool maybe they'll send me back. I ran towards their location but I only managed to grab one of them. The rest got away. Not for long. 

- Watashi o korosanaide kudasai, midori no akuma. Watashi wa akunin no michi o sarimasu, chōdo watashi o korosanaide kudasai

The fuck is he saying?

- I believe Doom Slayer, that he begs for his life. - a familiar voice rang in my helmet.

- VEGA, You're alive! Good to see you my friend. - I said while still hold that dude hostage. - Do you know by any chance where are we? It ain't Kansas that's for sure.

- It is not. I do believe that we're on Earth. Japan to be more specific.  I can make some scans for later if you want to.

- Sure, I need all info I can get. Well, what to do with this guy?

- I'm not sure you'd listen to my advice anyway, so do what you want - VEGA said

As I closed my fist to do the usual, The Buff guy appeared with some backup or something.

- STOP RIGHT THERE! It's over, you can let him go, now let the professionals take care of it.

I was going to retort with something, but VEGA spoke through a comm.

- We do not wish to fight you. What happened here was a self defence.

- Vega what are you doing?

- avoiding further damages, (y/n). It's for the best.

OK, I'll stand down for now. 

- We have to take you for questioning. - Buff guy said

- I have some questions as well.

After promising I won't go ape shit on them, They took me off to some H-shaped buliding , with no handcuffs. During the "ride"  two questions appeared in my head. What kind of Earth is this?
How do I get back to kick Hayden's ass?

And that's a first chapter of  "Hellmade Badass"


Sorry it took me so long. Life stuff. IAnyways I hope you all will enjoy it

See you next time
Argus out.

Hellmade Badass (Doomguy! Male Reader x My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now