Chapter 4: Sports Festival? Finally, time to kick some ass!!! Part 1

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(y/n) P.O.V

Well, would you look at that, turns out Izuku turned out to be a chill guy, we haven't talked much yet, since All Might invited him to the launch or some shit, but I did met his friends. We had a great time and returned to class shortly after.

When was like 20 minutes past twelve, a commotion had appeared, a mob of angry , maybe curious children were blockin our entrance.

First to react to that was Ururaka

Ochaco: What's this all about? 

Tenya asked the same question but more formally shortly after.

Mineta : We can't leave!

I don't know why they just won't walk through the sea of people. Someone would say that's rude, but hey that's their fault for swarming the entrance like it was Black Friday suddenly.

Bakugo : You numbfucks, They're scouting competition.  They wanna see the class, that survived their encounter with Villains, and probably to see Space Marine over there. - He then pointed at me.

Deku shuddered - That's the neutral Kacchan....

Bakugo: Out of the way extras!!!!

This of Course made the other dudes flip their shit. Then of course Some Purple dude tried to butt in....

Tried, cuz I summoned super shotgun and shot the roof.

(y/n) : Listen here, girls. As much as I would enjoy the pissing contest between you two, I believe some fellas here have places to be and lives to live. So Would you kindly leave?

The mob scattered.

(Y/n) : Here you go. - I was going to leave for a little stroll when I got stopped by Deku

Deku : Why would you resort to that?

(y/n) : Classic Crowd control. Take it or leave it.

Then I left. Not very far to be precise.

Deku: That's not how Hero supposed to work!!!

(y/n) : Who said that I'm a hero to begin with? 

Then I truly left the classroom.

As I was recaping what happened when I was asleep, I got noticed by one of the "Pros", I think that's how they are called around here. She came near my position. 

???: My, I see the stories don't even matchup the reality when it comes to you. But putting that aside, Nezu  wants to see you.

She walked by as I followed her to the principal's office.

By the way is that just me or her suit looks like it just started in some BDSM porn?

In Nezu's Office

Nezu: Quite an interesting display you've putted up earlier. - He said as he watched a footage from surveilance cams. - May I be interested why?

(y/n) : Look, Principal Nezu. There was a problem, I solved it. Nobody got hurt.

Nezu : It's true, but there was like more peacefull ways to do it

then Vega butted in

Vega: We're sorry if (y/n)'s Actions disturbed anyone. Please forgive us. After Eons of  exterminating demons , it is hard to suddenly change the mindset.

Nezu: Wait, WHAT?

(y/n) : It's a long story, not worth mentioning. Anywho I think we're off track. Is there something you wanted to tell me?

Nezu: Yeah. You probably know already about the Sports Festival. So would you be interested in participating?

(y/n) : Why are you asking me? It's not that I'm ungreatfull, but me and them are the different caliber.

Nezu : Oh Do not worry, it's gonna be great. Maybe you'll get yourself for a surprise!!

(y/n) : Sure, why not.

I left the office.

Time Skip 2 weeks (Beginning of the Sports festival)

So this is the day they've all been waiting for. I got to admit, the preparations for this event are astounding. Security has been beefed up heavily and the Sports Festival is being broadcast live. Like Super Bowl or even better. 

The tension is so heavy you could almost cut it with a knife. As I look around , I see almost everyone drowned with their own thoughts.  Well, except Two face that seems to be approaching Izuku. Then he says something bout like well "I'll whoop your ass" or some shit. then Izuku replies with something like "Everyone is aiming to the top and so do I" which of course granted him some nods of approval or something. I wasn't listening. 

Then of course Bomberman came near me.

Bakugo : Oh I can't wait to whoop your ass at the Festival.

(y/n) : The day you will whoop my ass is the day Hell will freeze over.

After doing typical plesantries we went outside. 

(the whole beginning goes as in original)

(y/n's P.O.V)

- As Long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires.

Believe me, everyone took that seriously. Two face from before decided to use his ice to block us.

 I  used Haste. The powerup made me easily catch up with the participants. Even gained me a lead.

- HORY SHIEEET, Doom Guy decides to showcase his quirk for the first time! - Commentary run wild

The whole run was easy pickings to the point I almost thought that they have skipped leg day or something, untill final stages of the race, Izuku MIdorya used a landmine field as a leverage to keep up with us.

The Race resulted in me going in First, Izuku second, and Todoroki third.

Later on it was time for the next part of the festival. I got to admitt, the Race was a good warmup to me.

Then MIdnight showed up again.

Midnight: Bravo Bravo, so much youthfulness. but Are the combatants ready for the next event which is The Cavalry Battle, the rules are simple.  The top 42 students each form a team of 2-4 for this event and earn points by grabbing headbands from the other teams. The number of points each student is worth is dependent on their placement in the Obstacle Race.

This caused a vave of excitement amongst others, as they were already looking for potential team members.

Although Midnight did not seem to finish.

- However, Doom Guy over here will be without a team. That would not be surprise for him, but for those who're confused that was the principal's stipulation placed on him. Whoever gets the Handband off him, gets 10 000 000 points.

While she explains the rest, I put bandanna over my helmet.

After everyone got their teams, I raised my hand in "come at me bro" motion and yelled


AN : And That's the wrap for this episode. I hope you did like it . 

Argus out!!!!

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