Chapter 1

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Hannah pov. 

'Happy birthday hannah! , How does it feel to be seventeen?' Nienke screams in my ear.

'Hahaha thankyou, it feels great you know', 'I really feel different in comparison with yesterday. ' I say sarcastic. 'Hahah really funny.' she says sarcastic back, 'but now present time!' She scream in my ear, again.'

'I'm so sure that you're gonna like this present. It's the best present you ever had. Believe me.'
'Hahaha sure, just give me your present, you made me curious. ' I say.

'Yes i know, that's why you don't get it yet.' She says to me with a smile I can't not stand. 'Noway you can't do that to me, I mean, it's my birthday.'' 'first give me some cake.' She says. 'Owh really Nien', I should have know it, ofcourse you want food again.' i say back. And she starts laughing:' Yep, you know me well.'

I stand up to go to the kitchen to grap some drinks and ofcourse a piece of cake. When I come back I hold the cake right before Nienkes face and I say: 'This is the best cake ever. I'm sure you're gonne like it. It' ll be the best cake you ever had. But first give me my present.'

Nienke looks at me like I just said the worst thing in the entire world. 'You are so mean,' she says.' 'No you are.' I say, 'now come on with that present. If you still want your cake I would give it now.' I said laughing.

'Ughh I hate you.' Nienke says. ' I know, but I hate you more.' I say, 'Come on I'm waiting.'
'Just give me a minute.' Nienke says while grabbing something out of her bag. She takes out a kind of small present. It's so small and flat that it made me think that she just enwrapped a white sheet with nothing on it. Maybe just a smiley and a written seventeen on it.

'Helllooo, where are you?' Nienke says with her hand going before my face. Right, back to reality.
Nienke is smiling so hard that I want to open the present already. then she gifs me the present. I open it carefully. And when i looked at it I could not believe my eyes.

'Nowayy, you got to be kidding me right,' is this real?' I ask her. 'Ow yea it's a hundred procent real.' She says.

'You are amazing, how did you ever know I wanted this, it's the best gift ever!' I scream to her with the most happiest face you can think of. 'I told you' she says back.

'I still can't believe it, did you really just gave me those?'

'Yep, I just did.'

YAAYY, first chapter:)
hahah i know I'm kinda mean not saying what the present is, but you will find out in the next chapter.

Did you like this first chapter? if you have any tips just say itt;)

i also have a question about the length of the story?
was this too short or was this okey?
or i can post longer chapters, but than i can't update very much. or i update short chapters, and update more. just let me know :)))

byeee x me

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