journal 3

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"TJ, get your ass up you freaking tree."
tj groaned and sat up in his bed, giving his sister, amber, a tired glare. "why weren't you at tutoring yesterday, you little shit?" tj rubbed his eyes. shit, he had forgotten to attend to tutoring. he was so caught up in the thought of cyrus, he forgot. "fuck." he mumbled. "hey, language!" tj rolled his eyes, if his sister could swear why couldn't he? "listen, i'll go today after practice.. for like 20 minutes?" tj compromised and amber nodded. "we only had planned that you'd do your homework and she'd help you with it, you know, check your work and stuff." tj rolled his eyes. "fine. 20 minutes and i'm fucking out." amber tossed a towel at her brother. "shower and then get ready, mom's sleeping but the car's here. i'll drive us today." tj nodded and went to his own private bathroom that joined with his room. he knew what it meant when his mom was sleeping. it meant she didn't want to drive him or amber to school.

after tj showered he check the time in the old, vintage clock in his room. "fuck!" he exclaimed. he had ten minutes. he heard a knock on his door. "tj you have 3 minutes to get decent, we HAVE to go."
tj ran his hands through his soaked hair, got dressed and grabbed his bag along with his glasses. he had no time for contacts, and he would only wear them if needed. his glasses were big and a little rounded, having a black tint to the frames. he put them into his bag and ran after amber into the car. he'd have to eat breakfast at school. and at least convince amber he would.

"hey driscoll, couldn't get enough of me, so you followed me to school?" buffy turned around, tj was arriving just behind her as she and cyrus stood in the breakfast line. Tj acknowledged Cyrus, he was standing on his tippy toes and looking straight ahead at the breakfast booth, muttering something under his breath. "sorry kippen, but we were here first. right cyrus?" cyrus didn't pay any attention to buffy, he didn't even seem to have heard her. she cleared her throat. nothing. she elbowed his rib cage. "OW!" cyrus rubbed his rib and faced Tj and Buffy, taken back at the sight of tj suddenly standing behind him. "what was that for?" he managed in his squeaky voice. "tell tj WE were year FIRST."

Cyrus eyes both buffy and tj. "it's school buffy- nobody is here firs-" buffy cut him off. "tell him we were here first, cyrus." tj rolled his eyes. the way she was confusing and manipulating the boy upset him. cyrus made a thin line with his lips and shook his head. tj decided to step in and help cyrus out of this. "let him be, driscoll. what? can't fight your own fight?" cyrus gave tj and thankful look, and tj nodded toward him. "fair enough. we'll leave. after you get my friend cyrus here a chocolate chocolate chip muffin." buffy put on a smug smirk, she knew tj would never go out of his way for anyone but himself. tj laughed and turned to cyrus. "can't get your own muffin, cupcake?" cyrus turned his shoe. "uh- not really.."

tj kippen's pov —

he was cute- i mean it was cute. y'know, he's too shy to get his own muffin. i glanced at his flushed cheeks, and decided blushing cyrus really was my favorite cyrus. but i couldn't keep staring, cyrus's cheeks got redder and buffy grew more impatient. "fine, easy." i ignored the look buffy have me and grabbed- no held- cyrus's hand all the way up the long line. cyrus received angry glares which all disappeared once i shot them down with my own signature glare. once we got a foot away from the muffins i let go of cyrus's hand. "just grab it."

"what?" cyrus gave me a look of confusion, no way in hell could he grab his own muffin without judgment from his peers, in assuming. "just grab it, like you already own it." i gave cyrus a look of encouragement and gave him a little push.
— out of tj's pov—
cyrus grabbed a muffin off the shelf slowly, his eyes squinted shut, preparing to get yelled at. but the yelling never came. he waited a few seconds, eyes still closed until he felt a hand on his shoulder. tj's hand. he remembered the feeling of tj's hands. "open your eyes, cupcake. you've got the prize, now go eat it." cyrus opened his eyes and smiled up at tj, but something was different. tj's hair had no hair gel. it wasn't messy, but it was wavy and untamed. it looked soft, cute, even. and cyrus admired how tj smelt without the pound of hair gel, even though he did enjoy how he smelt with it. "your hair." he said and tj rolled his eyes. he seemed to do that a lot. "don't even get me started-"
"no, it looks nice." tj felt a small blush on his cheeks. "whatever- just go eat your muffin."

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