journal 1

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"Cyrus, you coming out tonight?"

Cyrus was brought out of his captivating thoughts by a voice- Jonah becks's voice, that is.

"Huh?- oh yeah! Yeah.. I'm coming."
Cyrus wore a smile of pride. He didn't always know what was happening during sports but he loved supporting them.

"Great!" Jonah smiled at Cyrus before turning to andi and Buffy. "Andi, Buffy, you'll be there?"

both the girls nodded, but Cyrus didn't pay much attention. Jonah smiled at him. jonah beck. Jonah smiled at HIM, and that's all that seemed to matter for a few minutes. Andi and Buffy both knew of Cyrus' sexuality and crush on Jonah, it was all news that he was almost head over heals for the frisbee geek.

"You'll bring the water and stuff- right cy-guy?" Jonah's overly cheerful voice cut him back to reality.
"Oh, yeah. Sounds good."

"This is dumb." Tj said bluntly as his sister amber grabbed her jacket while throwing TJ his own, he caught it and grumpily put it on.

"It's not dumb tj. If you want that college application looking good then you have to get out more." Amber said this, earning a glare from Tj. He knew she was right.

"What college application? Like I'm gonna go." He striggled with his jacket zipper before his sister sighed and helped him pull it up. "You're going to apply to one- a few- whether you like it or not." She sounded so full of herself, and tj knew that he couldn't get past her on this.

"Fine." He mumbled grumpily as amber opened the door, a gush of the cold winter air hitting their faces as she dragged him outside. "I don't even like fucking frisbee." He mumbled again, followed by a big sigh when his sister slapped his wrist and hissed "don't curse!" tj only rolled his eyes at this.

"we're going to this frisbee tournament whether you like it or not." Amber said, her voice smug as she drug her brother down the sidewalk of their house and towards the high school.

"Where's Cyrus, the games going to start soon and-"
Buffy was cut off by Cyrus' cheerful voice as he shoved past a few people. "IM COMIN' IM COMIN'!" Cyrus half yelled as he ran up to his friends with a bag filled with water, a first aid kit and god knows what else. "Annnddd, there he is." Andi added.

"I got EVERYTHING that Jonah asked for. Water, first aid, snacks an-" Buffy cut him off. "Cyrus, he only asked for the water." Cyrus adjusted the bag around his shoulders. "YeAh but- it's necessary okay?"

"You'll see." He quietly added as they took their seats in the front row.

Tj and Amber has taken their seats in the third row after arguing for s few minutes on where to sit. "The front row is too close!" Said tj, but Amber only argues that that back was too far and she wouldn't have been able to see.

"Happy, you big baby?" Amber said, half annoyed.
"Defiantly." Her brother replied smugly as he crossed his arms. Amber rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. "We're too old for this."

The game started off slow, The Space Otters wasn't winning and Cyrus was all out of water bottles.

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