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Suzie's P.O.V.

Four men entered the room, I rose to my feet, Aaron wasn't one of them. It was his friends.

They shuffled their feet, raised their eyebrows making faces.

They headed toward the bed, Sadie got up and stepped around it until she was next to me. They picked up the top sheet which Luke was sprawled out on. Sadie gave a scared look at me which I returned blankly.

They all moved, grabbing a corner.

"What are you doing!?" Sadie panicked.

"Danger to the ring," the stocky one slurred.

She gazed helplessly at them as I watched them wobble and wrinkle their faces awkwardly.

"They're drunk out of their minds, Sadie, they'll be even more dangerous." I warned her.

"Like you'll be helpful to us now," she said angrily. "Stop!" She demanded at them.

They were moving toward the door, Luke couldn't move he just laid there with a wincing look frozen on his face.

She grabbed at the youngest ones sleeve, he shrugged her off and began to swear at her.

"Stop it, girl! Aaron isn't going to care, will he now, behave and I'll tell ya a story when we're done!" another one slurred, swinging his head wildly as he gripped his corner.

It was long before the door shut on her face, she sat on the floor, sobbing. She didn't stop.

My face wrinkled in pain, my stomach cramped up with the pain, just of watching her sobbing.

I walked over to her and we cried for what seemed like hours, curled together, our tears soaking our sweatpants and sweatshirts.


Joel's P.O.V.

This mountain is big, the snow is whirling around us, the wind is blowing all around us. We were all in teams, we followed the tracks that were frozen but were identified to of belonged to a large vehicle. Not many houses were up here so the police decided we had found the van's tracks. The tracks had ended and driven through tall grass where they were lost.

But the mountain was being searched thououghly. Hopefully we would find them, if we didn't, I didn't know what we'd do.

My flashlight flickered before dying, I slapped it hard against my knee, it lit up for a few minutes before flickering and going black again. It was gone. Stephen's still shone, lighting up every snowflake that blew in front of us. I shoved the flashlight and my gloved hand in my pocket. My forehead was wrinkled in anger and frustration.

God, why are we here? And why did I invite Melissa onto the bus? Why didn't I go with Luke? Why did he even go to that house?

I was filled with so many questions and it felt like none of them were getting answered.

"I've got more batteries." Steven offered. I nodded, I really didn't feel like talking. We'd be fine for awhile longer.

I didn't feel the cold or the hunger. Too angry. Probably nothing compared to what Luke was enduring.


Luke's P.O.V.

Somehow moaning eased the pain and panic. I drug my body along like a snail. I could maybe find shelter or something. I sure didn't fell like dying, dying wasn't an option. I had three boys, a beautiful wife, siblings, parents, a career, and fans. Dying isn't an option. I crawled on like a wounded soldier. Except, I wasn't a soldier.

The snow bit at my fingers which I tried to find in the sheet that I still had wrapped around me. If I could get somewhere with other people, we could get the police up here. I wasn't just going to get back to my family, I was going to do what I had stayed here to do. Rescue Sadie.

But it wasn't going to be easy, moving about a foot every minutes, down a mountain during a blizzard.

I had hoped that my message on the gum wrapper I found in Sadie's pocket would get us rescued. I thought it was fairly specific at the time, but looking back, I was barely awake at the time, and barely thinking straight. But I had found the pen the other morning, and found the gum wrapper in Sadie's pocket. Everything had fallen into place.

Why would God let this happen to Sadie? To Suzie? To me? To all of those girls?

I just had to get it out of my head for the moment so I could get to a building with people.


An hour passed. My mind wanted to push forward, but my body just couldn't listen, managing only a slight shiver.

So I sang and called into the wind, the only thing I could do. I sang In Christ Alone, So Will I, 1,000 Reasons, belting out lyrics in no order, just as I remembered them do it probably sounded like a choppy, confusing medley.


Joel's P.O.V.

I heard something ever so faintly through the howling wind which seemed to be working against me, like it was trying to mask a secret.

I moved towards it, not saying anything, trying to identify the singing voice, Stephen followed me. He probably heard it too.

I stopped when I recognized it. The voice I had become so familiar with, the voice that I thought was better than mine, the voice I heard in a microphone or in a recording studio next to me for over six years.

I ran towards it. Sliding on my knees into the snow beside my little brother. Who was wrapped in a bedsheet, shivering in the snow. Stephen got out his phone and had to yell into it so they could hear him.

I hugged him, and we both cried. I didn't know how he got there but he was here and that was all that mattered to me.


Admit it. You thought he would sing his own songs. But I decided to go with a more classical hymn approach which I think that if I was a musician I wouldn't sing my own songs in that situation, I just think it's kinda weird maybe? Idk.

Don't get drunk because this is like one sorta good thing to come out of it but NOTHING GOOD COMES OUT OF IT, KIDS. YOU ARE JUST LEFT WITH A NASTY HEADACHE THE NEXT MORNING.

Perhaps I start writing emotional endings at 10:00 pm driving across the state?

Oh wait this isn't the end. No, no, not anywhere near done. Well.... Four or so chapters away from being done.


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