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"Here's his snowmobile," Derick yelled into the wind which had picked up. I opened the door to the side-by-side and jumped out to help.

We found Joel's footprints going through the trees towards the fading tire tracks and police were looking for more clues.

"He jumped in," I groaned to Vince. He grinned slightly, in spite of the situation.

Derick tapped me on my good shoulder. "You wanna take his snowmobile while we follow the tracks?" He asked. I nodded and walked toward his snowmobile, started it, and followed everyone down the road.



I took each step cautiously until I reached the bottom. I felt even colder surrounded by concrete walls than in the open air.

I was met by a wooden door which I opened slowly. The air felt warmer and I say a light. I cracked the door slightly and knelt down.

"Stay down here. Don't move. I'll be back soon with food then I'm going go back and get all the other girls." A man's voice said, my eyes adjusted to the dull light slowly where I could see the outline of a man standing by two girls tied to chairs.

"What do you mean other girls?" One of them asked timidly.

"I'm going to take you all to the city as soon as I can make the arrangements," he replied simply as he stood up.

I heard the sound of footsteps leaving and a door closed.

I waited a few seconds before standing and opening the door part way. Sadie's head snapped around and she gave me a surprised face but didn't say anything. Suzie followed her gaze and shared the expression.



My heart was racing and my head was swimming. He must have followed us or jumped in the back of the truck.

"Are you girls okay?" He asked. I had never loved hearing his voice more.

We both nodded and watched him as he looked around the bare room for something.

He stopped by a wooden school desk in the corner and came back with something in his hand. It looked like a bent piece of metal.

"I'm going to see if this works to cut you free." He said as he examined our tied hands.

"Did you ever find Luke?" I blurted out. His brown eyes met my probably bloodshot ones.

"Yes, Love, he's alive. We found him that night. He had a dislocated shoulder but he's fine and on his way up here." He replied.

"Good," I breathed, "when they took him out of that room I thought he was gone."

"You don't need to worry, okay? You'll see him again and we'll get you out of here." I felt the ropes slip off my wrists and I reached down to untie my feet, Suzie did the same and we stood up.

Joel wordlessly took off his top two jackets and handed them to us. We both took them and it took me to the scene in Priceless where he handed Antonia his jacket as James.

We walked towards the door with him when a door opened.

"Alright, girls," Samuel's voice rang out, all three of our faces went pale and we quickly ran behind the door that Joel entered from. "Here is a mid afternoon meal and I'm gone to-," he stopped short and hurriedly came into view. He set a tray down on the chairs and looked around.

Praise God he didn't see us and went the other direction.

"Go up those stairs and outside. Can either of you drive?" Joel whispered hurriedly.

"I can but he has the keys and I can't hot wire a car like they do in 80's shows." Suzie whispered loudly, clearly panicked.

"Then just run. Follow the tire tracks but go through the trees until you find the search party." Joel ordered, pointed towards the door then grabbed the doorknob to interfere with Samuel.

"But we can't leave you. Not after your brother almost died because of me." I grabbed his arm.

"Sadie, it'll be okay. He doesn't seem to have a gun."

"But he did before, it might still be on him." I argued.

"Than so be it. My goal is to get you out. Now go." He gently shoved me into the direction of the stairs, Suzie grabbed my arm and pulled me with her, leaving me no room to argue. We trotted up the step and left the door open as to avoid any noise and we ran as fast as we could through the trees. I saw headlights up ahead in the quickly fading sunlight and we slowed to a walk and ducked behind trees just in case it wasn't the search party and was one of the guys at the cabin. As we looked closer it appeared to be three snowmobiles. I recognized Luke, Vince and probably a police officer.

"Hey, hey we're over here!" Suzie yelled and we waved our arms and jumped up and down.

We were finally safe.



He came closer to the the door where I gripped the handle. I could hear him coming closer until I swung the door out and heard him fall back, taking chairs and old junk with him.

Opened the door all the way to see him lean against the wall gripping his head.

"Who the ******* **** are you?!" He groaned.

"G'day, mate. I'm a friend, just not of yours."

"Joel!?" I heard faintly, distracting me for a second then something hit me in the head and I staggered back. The form of a man lunged at me and I held my arms out to block him as my back hit the wall. His fist connected with my face and my boot to his stomach at the same time. I went for the door but felt hands grip my legs and tripped me. I fell face first onto the dirty floor but turned onto my back and stood up. He punched me in jaw and I returned the favor before lunging at him and knocking him down. We rolled for a bit and he slammed my face against the floor.

"Get your hands up!" Someone shouted. I felt his weight being dragged off me and I looked up. Melissa ran to me and helped me up.

"You took ages," I mumbled as Luke ran up and enveloped me into a hug.

"Yeah, I know," he said shakily, "Sadie went with the others to show them where to go but Suzie is here. You look awful so let's get you taken care of."


1 chapter left!

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