Christmas special

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Lucy will be good for the Christmas special and the New Years special, but next chapter she will go back to either dying or coming really close to it.
No one P.O.V.

   "Hey do you guys want to go down to the bar?" Lucy suggested.
   "Fairy Tail has a bar?" Levy asked.
   "Yeah. They allow anyone to come in so it won't be a problem if we go." Lucy explained.
   "But aren't we a little to young to be drinking?" Wendy said.
   "Well if we're old enough to get hired on and possibly die then surely we're old enough to get drunk. That's how I see it anyway." Elizabeth shrugged.
   "I'll drink to that." Cans grinned.
   "What won't you drink to?" Elizabeth asked.
   "Not drinking." Cana answered.
   "Of course." Levy sighed.
   "Well if we're gonna go let's go." Laxus said walking towards the bar.
   "Don't be so sour all the time. Learn to have some fun." Elizabeth scolded.
   Laxus simply rolled his eyes.
   "It's a wonder how you landed a sweet girl like Mira." She muttered then followed her brother. The boys soon followed leaving most of the girls.
   "You know Mira I've been getting the feeling that you and Laxus are getting closer and closer to tying the knot." Lucy said.
   "What?" Mira asked.
   "Just think about how good Mirajane Dreyar sounds." Lucy pressed.
"Are you crazy!" Mira exclaimed.
"Lucy isn't wrong. I've noticed Laxus glancing at rings once we walk by a ring shop and the glance lasts a little while." Levy joined in.
   "The maids in my house didn't call me the love expert for nothing." Lucy smirked.
   "I'm too young to get married." Mira defended.
   "My mom had me when she was a junior in high school." Cana shrugged taking another drink of her booze that appeared out of nowhere.
"Is Mira~San really going to get married?" Wendy asked.
"No/yes!" Mira and Lucy said at the same time.
   "If she doesn't want to get married then she doesn't have to. Besides there is no proof Laxus really is going to propose." Erza stated.
   "Thank you Erza." Mira thanked.
   "Of course if there were a wedding there would be cake. I could be the maid of honor. I have the perfect armor or dress for that occasion." There were stars in her eyes.
   "And there goes Erza." Lucy sighed.
   "Maybe we should join the boys and get more beer." Cana suggested finishing her barrel of booze that had again popped out of nowhere.
With the boys and one girl
The boys and girl were talking about something close to the what the girls were. This time the victim was Laxus instead green of Mira.
"Hey Laxus, when are you to propose to Mira?" Natsu asked.
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"Did you buy the ring yet?" Elizabeth asked.
"Right before I came here." He answered taking a sip of his beer.
"Why don't you guys ask the girls what Mira likes and other stuff so he knows how to pop the question." Elizabeth suggested.
"No way. Juvia would freak. She would think that I like Mira and would drown us all with her tears." Gray said.
"What does it matter to you? It's obvious she likes you, but you just ignore her." Gajeel muttered.
"W-well I just... just-"
   "Don't have the balls to ask her out." Elizabeth cut him off.
   "If you were a real man you would have done it by now." Elfman said.
   "Hahaha! I asked Luce out way before you! I'm better than ice freak! Hahaha!" Natsu laughed.
   "Shut it Pyro!" Gray glared.
   "Make make me ice princess!"
   "Fine flame brain!"
   "Droopy eyes!"
   "Hot head!"
   "Enough!" Erza shouted.
   "Yes ma'am!"
   "You know there were a few girls eyeing you boys over there." Lucy laughed pointing at a group of girls who suddenly looked away and giggling flirtatiously. "A minute ago they were looking at you guys with disgust!" Lucy was now glaring viciously at them along with the rest of the girls aside from Mirajane and Wendy.
   "Gihe. Are you jealous?" Gajeel laughed staring Levy in the eyes.
   "N-no!" She stuttered.
   "Good cause you're the only one for me." Gajeel then kissed her.
   "Why aren't you that romantic to me?" Lucy asked.
   "Hey I'm romantic!" Natsu defended.
   "Then how come you don't say that stuff to me?" Lucy said.
   "I don't have to. You know I love you and I know you love me. Your my mate." Natsu said simply.
   "Oh." Lucy's face was so red it looked as though she was gonna pass out.
   "I feel like I'm supposed to do something romantic now." Romeo whispered to Wendy.
   "It's ok you don't have to." Wendy smiled.
   "I guess." Romeo then kissed her which was there first kiss. Poor Wendy passed out right there her face was all red and it was steaming.
   "I think I broke Wendy!" Romeo yelled.
   "What did you do?" Laxus asked.
   "I may have kissed her." He mumbled.
   "You kiss her cheek all the time." Levy said.
   "On the lips." Romeo added.
   "Go Romeo!" Evergreen said.
   "That would break her." Lucy nodded.
   "Yes yes yes yes!" Juvia shouted.
   "What happened?" Mira asked.
"Gray~sama asked Juvia (she will only use third person when she is excited) out!" Juvia exclaimed.
"That is the most unromantic ask out ever." Elizabeth said.
"Natsu took me to Hargeon the exact spot where we met. It was quite romantic." Lucy said grabbing Natsu's arm and laying her head on his shoulder.
"Just another thing I'm better at than you." Natsu had a smug look.
"Shut it Pyro." Gray said.
"Do I hear fighting?" Erza asked.
"No ma'am!"
"Elfman asked me out simply. He didn't do anything special. I don't think there needs to be anything special with asking someone out." Evergreen stated.
"Gajeel asked me out during lunch. He took me out to a nice little place right by a park, and had a picnic while we watched the kids play. He said one day I could be the mother of his children and our kids could go to this park and we could be those parents watching our kids play and make other friends. Before we could do any of that you first have to be my girl." Levy described getting on her tip toes to kiss him though she was still too short so he bent down and they shared a quick, sweet, passionate kiss.
"Awww." Everyone gushed including a few of the males.
"I didn't think you still remembered that." Gajeel said.
"Of course I did. There's no way I could forget that especially when your face was basically a tomato." Levy laughed.
"No it wasn't." He grumbled.
"I was the one who asked Jellal out. It was nice and simple." Erza stated.
"Yes it was even though her face was even more red than her hair." Jellal said.
"What about you Wendy? How did Romeo ask you?" Lucy asked.
"We went to the state fair together and at sunset he took me to a hill and as we watched the sun go down he asked me out. It was nice." Wendy said.
   "That's so cute." Elizabeth gushed.
   "What about you Mira~San? How did Laxus~San ask you out?" Wendy asked quick for the attention to get off her.
   "He asked me out during class. He passed me a note asking me out. I got so excited I squealed and of course the teacher heard and sent me to the office." Mirajane explained.
   "I remember that. Though to be fair Mr. Capricorn can be unfair when someone so much as mutters while he is teaching his English class." Levy said.
   "Yeah. One time he sent me to ISD because I got in a fight with droopy eyes." Natsu huffed.
   "I'm not even gonna try." Lucy sighed.
   "Why don't we exchange gifts." Wendy suggested.
   "Sure." Mira said.
From Natsu: a necklace with a glass shaped heart that has what looks like a flame still burning in it for Lucy. A bow that can turn pocket size along with arrows and a quiver for Erza. A meteor rock shaped like a star for Jellal. A shirt that says 'I'M A REAL MAN!' On it for Elfman. A shirt that say Fairy Power for Evergreen. A pair of pants (hopefully he'll keep it on) for Gray. A trip for two at a really nice hotel for a few days for Juvia. A cute little dress for Wendy. A knew scarf for Romeo. An iron knife for Gajeel. A book called 'Beauty and the Beast'. A shirt that says I'm with trouble for Mirajane. A shirt that says I'm trouble for Laxus. An iPod with a bunch of songs on it for Elizabeth. A fish for Happy. A kiwi for Pantherlily. And a little bow for Carla.
   From Lucy: a dinner reservation for two at the all you can eat buffet for Natsu. A shuriken for Erza. Two tickets to the planetarium for Jellal. A shirt that says I'm with a real girl for Elfman. A shirt that says I'm with a real man for Evergreen. A belt for Gray. A blue bracelet that looked like it had water in it for Juvia. A pair of heels for Wendy. An action figure of a dragon for Romeo. A steel knife for Gajeel. The entire series of Harry Potter for Levy. A bikini for Mirajane. Headphones for Laxus. The entire Divergent series for Elizabeth. A cute dress for Carla. Fish for Happy. And kiwi for Pantherlily.
~time skip because you guessed it I'm way too lazy for this crud~
With Natsu and Lucy.

"Hey Lucy you know how we've been dating for almost two years right." Natsu said.
"Yeah." Lucy said suspiciously.
"Well I was thinking that maybe you could move into my house. Would you like to?" Natsu asked.
"Yes! Of course I do." Lucy said excitedly.
"Well then come on." Natsu grinned handing her the key to his house then grabbing her hand and ran to his house.
With Gajeel and Levy

"Hey shorty (shrimp is her undercover name) I wanted to give this to you when we were alone." Gajeel said handing her a little box.
"Huh?" Levy asked blushing like crazy as she stared at the nice yet simple ring 💍 in the box.
"I ain't proposing or anything like that. I know we aren't ready to get married yet but I wanted to promise you that one day we will be married. So it's a promise ring. Me promising you that I will always love you and will wait as long as you want before we get hitched." Gajeel said with a slight blush.
"Oh." Levy giggled.
"What are ya laughing at?" He asked.
"I just love how romantic you can be sometimes." Levy smiled.
"Tch whatever."
With Gray and Juvia

"Gray~Sama." Juvia said trying to get her darlings attention.
"Hmm?" Gray raised a brow.
"Juvia was just wondering if Gray~Sama would like to have dinner with Juvia." She was clearly excited and nervous.
"Sounds great. I'll plan it though." Gray said.
"Juvia can help if Gray~Sama wants." Juvia offered.
"Nah. It should technically be the boy asking the girl out on a date, so the least I can do is plan it out." Gray explained.
"Well if you really want to." She smiled.
"Goodnight Juvia." Gray said as he dropped her off.
"Goodnight Gray~Sama." Juvia waved before walking inside her home.
With Laxus and Mira

"Hey Mira on New Years lets go on a date. Right after the party." Laxus suggested.
"Yeah. Sounds fun." Mira smiled.
"Make sure you dress nice." He said.
"Why? What are we doing?" Mira asked.
"It's a surprise. Just make sure you dress nice." He reminded.
"Alright." Mira couldn't help but wonder if Lucy was on to something.
With Elfman and Evergreen

"Tomorrow Fiore is throwing a flower looking party thing for Christmas. I was hoping you could come with me." Evergreen said.
"Looking at flowers are manly!" Elfman screamed.
"I'll take that as a yes. It starts at 1:00 so pick me up at around 12:40." She ordered.
"Yeah! Cause I'm a real man."
"Is that all you think about?"
With Erza and Jellal

"Erza." Jellal said.
"Yes." Erza said.
"Would you like to join me for a drink and a movie?"
   "Yes. That sounds relaxing. Which movie?"
   "Have you ever seen a show called a Fairy Tail?"
   "Have we been founded?"
   "No it's nothing like that. Actually the system is kind of like ours but for the majority it's different. They all have magic and stuff."
   "I will be happy to check this out."
   They ended up falling asleep during Galuna island when Lucy just finished her fight with Sherry. They were all cuddled up and it was pretty cute.
With Romeo and Wendy

   "Did you drink anything?" Wendy asked.
   "No. My dad would kill me if I drank anything. Why?" Romeo asked.
   "Well you've been acting strange, and I think while Cana~San was drinking her booze some of it spilled into your drink. I wasn't sure so I didn't bring it up. Maybe I should have. I'm sorry."
   "Well that would explain why my soda tasted weird and why I'm feeling kinda light right now. It's fine though. I doubt my dad will notice so long as I go straight to bed."
   "I'm so sorry."
   "It's fine really."
   "Well if your so sure."

With Elizabeth

   "Ugh! I'm gonna be forever alone!" Elizabeth complained before passing out on her bed.
With Cana

   Already passed out drunk with all the booze gone.
Sorry it's so late. I know it's already New Years so it's really late. Sorry about that. This chapters question is... have you ever seen hunter x hunter? If so who is your favorite character? Mine would have to be Killua because he's just so cool. If someone messes with him or his friends their either gonna die or they are threatened to be killed if they don't stop. And after he threatens them he's like "living an honest life is tough." I love him so much it's just great. I also love how twisted he is which is probably because I'm really twisted. I worry about myself sometimes, but it all cool. Sorry that I went on about this and that this chapter was super late.
Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a happy New Years. Bye bye!
Word count: 2436

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