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Juvia P.O.V.

   "Mira, how did you do?" I asked.

"Haruto talked easily, but I had trouble with Ooba. She eventually talked when I figured out what she cared for." Mirajane smiled. Gray~sama and I  shuddered.

"What's your code name?" Gray~sama asked.

"She-demon." Mira chirped.

We nodded. "I'm going to see Lucy now and tell her the news." Mira said looking down at her engagement ring.

"Say hello for us." I waved as Mirajane walked away.

   "Speaking of Lucy, let's visit her once we're done here." I said and Gray~sama nodded.

We hauled the bodies to a room with several tables and plopped them down on a separate table. Cana came in with another body soon after and put him on another table.

   "Was he easy to crack?" I asked.

   "Very. I gave him the pills and only threatened him before he cracked. I didn't even have to do anything and he just spilled his guts." Cana said.

"Then what happened to him?" Gray asked looking at the body.

"Elizabeth." Cana answered.

   "That explains it." I nodded.

   "Does she usually go all out like this?" Gray asked.

   "Only if they made her angry or if she was having a bad day." Juvia answered.

   Gray shivered probably remembering to never make Elizabeth angry.

   "I've gotta meet up with Elizabeth to tell Wendy and Romeo the new information." Cana waved before walking off.

"So how do we do this?" Gray asked.

"It sounds harder then it is my love. It's actually quite simple darling." I said. "You see that big machine over there? It incinerates the body's making it easy to dispose of and difficult if not impossible to figure out the identity. From there you can sprinkle the ashes anywhere. The ocean is the best choice, but it doesn't really matter."

"So it's actually really easy." Gray said.

"The only hard part is explaining what your doing with a urn, but you can always just say that a family member died so we're scattering the ashes at their favorite place." I added.

"That's easy enough." Gray stated.

"So let's get started." I smiled as I lifted up Ooba. Gray picked up both Kurohebi and Haruto. Isn't he so strong and amazing!

   "So I just close the door and press the on button and it starts." Gray said making sure he was right.

   I nodded my head and he pressed the button. He did this two more times as I gathered the ashes and put them in separate urns.

We then headed to the ocean which was about a 10 minute walk from Fairy Tail. We emptied the ashes in the ocean and I cried a little, Ok fine, I cried a lot for Ooba and Haruto. I didn't, I couldn't cry for Kurohebi. Not after what his gang did to Lucy and Michelle.

   "Juvia." Gray called my name.

   "Yes darling." I replied.

   "Why do you cry for them?" Gray asked.

   "If I don't then no one will. No one will know what happened to them. They may have been bad people, but they are still people who deserve at least some tears. Except for Kurohebi. What he and his gang did to Lucy and Michelle I can't forgive. Therefore I can not cry for him." I explained.

   "I love you Juvia." Gray hugged me which shocked me a little bit but I returned the hug.

   "I love you too my love." I smiled.

   "So who is Michelle?" Gray asked once we separated.

   I then explained everything to him.

"We should visit Lucy. Make sure everything is OK." I suggested. "After we tell master, Wendy and Romeo that it's done of course."


"Was it just me or did master seem a little upset today." Gray asked.

"Something was definitely wrong. Though he could just be worried about Lucy." I said. Even though that doesn't seem like the case.

Gray knocked on the door before opening it revealing an enraged Lucy, Mira and Laxus. Elizabeth was there to and apologizing to Lucy about something.

"Lucy? What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's my father! No, not my father! That man doesn't deserve to be a father. I'm not surprised though. I think I know why he wants me back too." Lucy growled.

"What did he do?" Gray asked concerned.

"He hired a bunch of gangs to track me down and return me to him." Lucy said.

   "Fathers am I right?" Elizabeth attempted to make this situation a little bit lighter, but failed. Miserably. Lucy half glared at her but knew she was just trying to make her feel better so she wasn't real angry. "Imma shut up now."

"If it makes you feel any better we have a surprise for you once you get well enough to go out somewhere." Mira said.

"That does make me feel better, but there's something that would make me feel even better. If you told me what it was." Lucy smiled.

"Think of it as motivation." Mira smirked.

Lucy frowned playfully before turning it into a smile. At this time Natsu came back from his house.

"Hey guys. We having a party in here?" Natsu asked.

"You idiot." Gray sighed.

"Not to be rude or anything, but can I talk to a Natsu?" Lucy said.

"Of course." Elizabeth said.

"See you later Lucy." Gray waved.

"Bye Lucy." Mira said.

"Get better soon." Juvia said.


   Hello my brilliant readers! I love you all, so as a reward I finally updated!! Yay me! I don't know why I'm updating so slowly. I mean, I guess I do because I haven't really been getting any ideas from my stupid head. Do not fret though, I'm not giving up on this book yet! If I were to give it up I would have already deleted it, so I do plan to finish this book and perhaps write a sequel. Of course that depends on whether or not I get any ideas for it. As for this chapters question, do you play a sport? If so what sport? If not is there any other school activities you do and enjoy? I do play sports. I play tennis and marching band (flute) and yes marching band is a sport. If you do not believe so then I can politely explain to you how it is because it is, in fact, a proven sport. I also do academic team, beta, BPA, and concert band.

   That wraps up this chapter! Thank you to all who has read this far. I appreciate this so much! I love you all, have a lovely day and enjoy this spooky season (even if it is almost over).

Word count: 1112

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