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Now she had something to look forward to after a long tiring day. She felt a twinge of regret at picking a lot of classes this year, but she shrugged it off. She pulled out sheafs of parchment from her bag so she could start the essay her Muggle Studies professor set for her. She would then go to the library for a bit of light reading before setting off to Potions with the Slytherin's.

Finishing up her ham-and-cheese sandwich, she stood up and flung her bag at her shoulders, setting off for the library. In less than no time, her two friends Scorpius and Albus gave her questioning stares once again. She mouthed library and their confused looks deepened. She frowned and set off. People can't understand that she had to pass her tests if she still wanted to move on to fourth year. And she wanted a two year practice on O.W.L practice papers before her fifth year.

Finally arriving at her favorite place in the whole wide world, she put down her bag and began plucking out books relevant to her homework due next week.


The bell had rung and she finally half finished her essay. It wasn't entirely good and frowned. She made up her mind and decided to finish it at night after tea with Hagrid. Tea. Ugh! She had so much work to do and she still had to go to a tea party!? But since friends came first she decided to come.

Walking towards the Potions Classroom, she caught up with Scorpius and Albus, a strong smell of male shampoo that her father used once filled her nostrils, it was rather nice. Albus and Scorpius's heads were together, talking. "Hello." She said, joining in. They both stopped abruptly and smiled at her. "Potions too? C'mon then." Albus said, leading the way to the dungeons.

"Hey, Scorpius! My dad actually told me to beat you in every class. I just hope you're up to it." She said suddenly. Scorpius made an action as if brushing dirt off his shoulders, and flipping his hair. Serena caught another strong whiff of male shampoo. "Don't worry, Rosie. I'll take it easy on you." He assured. Rose ruffled his hair, inhaling more male shampoo . "You don't have permission to call me that." She said.

Professor Slughorn, their potions teacher, was already inside, and smiled at the sight of them. "Ahh, Mr. Potter, Miss. Weasley. Come in, come in." He said enthusiastically at Albus and Rose. He did not however, acknowledge Scorpius. It was known knowledge that Slughorn was not fond of Death Eaters. Scorpius did not take this lightly, and scowled upon entry.

The three sat down on the front of the class. "Settle down now, settle down. I have a very exciting potion for you today. Can anybody tell me what particular brew this is?" He asked, referring to the cauldron that was sizzling with potion that appeared to be changing color. It was changing from dirty white , to mahogany brown, to pure white again.

"Smells mighty like you, Rosie." Scorpius said, his voice full of humor, and winked. "Don't call me that! Besides, can't even smell a thing with that shampoo of yours flooding the room!" She retorted, rolling her eyes. "Anyone?" Slughorn added, ignoring their argument. Scorpius and Rose gave each other pointed looks, and shot their hands at the same time. Slughorn looked from one to the other, looking impressed. "Ah, yes. Two candidates." He said and gave a hearty chuckle. "Let's start with you, Miss Weasley." Slughorn said, acknowledging Rose, who stood up and gave Scorpius a contemptuous look.

"That is amortentia, sir. It is a love potion, and it gives off a scent of something you admire. For example, I smell new books, a broomstick handle and..." She stopped. She had suddenly realized what she said earlier and hoped deeply that nobody heard her comment as she sat down, her cheeks growing hot. Slughorn, did not notice any of this, and smiled. "Very good! Take five points to Gryffindor." He said. Rose glowed as she sat down.

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