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The holidays were finally over. One more dinner and it was off to the Hogwarts Express with her sister and his bestfriends that were probably having the time of their lives with their big family in a not-so-big-but-still-cozy home. He envied the Weasleys. Not because of their gold. He knew for a fact they were not that wealthy before, his father had a knack of repeating it whenever he mentioned them. No. They had all the gold in the world. But they lacked something, something important. Love. That was the thing they lacked. The only thing they couldn't acquire with their riches. And it was the one thing the Weasleys were overflowing with. He envied this. He had it once, yes. But the love in this miserable 'home' died with his mother. So he was balled up in his king-sized bed. Green velvet hangings tied up in a fancy manner. His things all packed for Hogwarts for days. He was lonely, he hoped Serena would fill this void but she was in her room, isolating herself from everyone. He couldn't blame her.

The only thing keeping him going was the mere fact that he would see his two bestfriend's faces again, finally able to be in their presence and feel part of a group is more than enough. Also, he was wearing a grey sweater with a green 'S' in the center. He had been paralyzed when he realized he had been sent this. Because Mrs. Weasley could never have sent him a sweater. The only thing that supported this impossible truth is the letter he was clutching and reading over and over again every since he got it. It was a bit crumpled now because of the amount of times he held it and took with him around the house, but nonetheless, it was special. Because it made him feel visible, and that someone did care enough to bother to make such a nice warm sweater. He read the letter again, unable to control himself. He caressed the paper that warm hands wrote upon, and it was like hearing a lovely voice.

To Mr. Scorpius Malfoy,

I have heard the news that you have saved my granddaughter Rose Weasley from a terrible accident last Quidditch Match from Professor McGonagall herself.
I just can't express how thankful I am. I love each of my grandchildren too much I can't bear see them in such pain. And you acted noble that day, that I hope I can give you this sweater as a token of my gratitude.
Thank you again, and have a very Happy Christmas.

      Molly Weasley

There was a knock at the door. Without Scorpius's consent however, Serena burst in, looking at him from the doorway. Scorpius hastily put the letter away and sat straight. Serena walked towards him. "You're not still reading that are you?" She asked, sitting on his bed beside him. Scorpius looked at her and smiled. It felt weird. As if he hadn't done it in days. "Nice Sweater." Serena said. "Thanks." Scorpius replied. "We're leaving for Hogwarts tomorrow, can't wait." She said as she eyed Scorpius's room. Scorpius saw this and commented about her room. "You know the next time grandad visits and sees the inside of yours he's gonna have a fit." He said. Serena gave a hollow laugh. "Well he's not gonna be able to curse me will he?" She said calmly. It was true. Grandfather Lucius visits the Manor every Christmas if he chooses to under close supervision. An Auror will be assigned to watch over him during his stay. He will also be rid of his wand, and be tied in separate chains each hands that disables apparition, magic, and can only be taken out by the Auror assigned for him. The same holds true for the other prisoners, those of whom have families.

"Dinner!" Grandmother's voice called from downstairs. Scorpius and Serena walked downstairs together and into the kitchen where they continued another awkward and particularly silent dinner, the only sound of clanking pots and pans. "If I heard correctly, you saved a girl from a fall." His dad's voice said, after ten solid silent minutes. Scorpius stiffened and replied, "I did." calmly. "And this particular girl, is a Granger-Weasley." He said. He heard a loud clank of silverware as his grandmother choked on food and began gulping down a goblet of water. She maintained her poise and looked at Scorpius with her eyebrow raised. "A Granger-Weasley? That Mudblood and Blood-traitor's kid? Come now, Scorpius—"

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