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It was nearing October. Meaning the first quidditch match of the season would be starting the following week. Albus was a fan of quidditch, but don't play it. Unlike his older brother James, who plays seeker for Gryffindor, he is usually drawn more to watch it.

Even Rose is no longer spending time with him. Her unusually full schedule now clashed with her practice as she played Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She would spend her free time doing homework or otherwise, reading. Even Scorpius, who tried out just last year, now also played Chaser for the Slytherin's. Albus spent time much of his day alone.

After a long day of practice one Saturday, Scorpius and Rose; who common knowledge to some Slytherin's, are allowed in their common room but not given the passwords. She looked worn and tired in her quidditch robes as she flopped down on one of the green armchairs and heaved a great sigh. Scorpius sat right beside her and Albus and breathed deeply.

"Had a good practice?" Albus asked them. He wasn't remotely happy at the sight of them from the Pitch. They both groaned. "Shot seventeen goals to boot." Rose said lazily, rubbing her elbows. "T'was good." Scorpius said, who was nearly dozing off. This would have been a good silent reunion if it hadn't been for a sudden interruption. "Hello." A sly voice called. The three of them looked up and saw Polly Chapman glaring at them.

It was known to them that Polly Chapman had a thing for Scorpius and was utterly disappointed whenever Rose entered their sanctuary. She never really showed it though. Normally she would scoff loudly or rip the homework she made so violently and throw them at the fire. Giving Scorpius a glazed look and Rose that of which wishing her a most painful death.

Today however, she was standing right in front of them, her arms folded and her eyebrows arched so fiercely they seemed to be drawn. She looked from Scorpius to Rose and back. "Aren't Gryffindors not allowed here, I mean... Isn't it part of the rules?" She asked in a slimy voice. Rose mirrored the glare but said nothing. "Shut it, Chapman." Albus grunted, not looking up. Polly Chapman snorted. "Don't you shut it me, Potter." She said. "Well, well, well, Weasley." She said the last words with such contempt it was as if she had jus muttered a disgusting swear word.

Rose was now on her feet, watching her apprehensively. "What is it now, Chapman?" Rose asked with equal disgust. "Get out of here, if you know what's best for you." She said scathingly. "Maybe you shut up, if you know what's best for you." Rose replied coolly. Polly looked affronted and pushed Rose back onto the sofa, eyes glinting with malice. Scorpius stood up, his wand out. "Don't be stupid." He told her, but Polly seemed to not have heard. "You know what I admire most about your parents, weasel? They were both cowards." She said.

Rose stood up ferociously and pulled out her wand too. "Don't...Call...My...Parents...Cowards!" She said, pointing it at Polly. She laughed viciously. "They belong to the graves, as should you. Just a few more weeks and you'll find my endeavors succeed. Or maybe not." She said and walked away, a dirty, satisfied smile playing on her lips. "She doesn't mean it Rose." Albus assured her. As Rose shook with anger and confusion as she sat back down. "Plot." She muttered. "Sorry?" Scorpius and Albus asked together.

"Plot. Plot! She's gonna plot against me– I–"

"–Rosie, she will not touch you as long as I'm here. You hear me?" Scorpius said, coaxing her.  Rose shook her head. "I better be careful. She'd sabotage my training, my lessons, or worse, she could sabotage the match! And, don't call me that." She shrieked and stood up. "Where're you going?" Scorpius demanded, as she reached the entrance. "Library." She said and left. "She doesn't mean it right, Polly? I mean, what could she do?" Scorpius asked shakily. Albus's face darkened. "Knowing her, something foul." He replied.

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